UK nationals in the EEA and Switzerland: access to higher education and 19+ further education

Access to higher and 19+ further education before 1 August 2021

UK nationals living in the EEA or Switzerland wishing to start courses before 1 August 2021 will continue to be eligible for home fee status and access to student finance on the same basis as now.

Check your eligibility and apply for:

Higher and 19+ further education courses starting from 1 August 2021

For courses starting from 1 August 2021, you will continue to be eligible for home fee status and be able to access HE and FE student finance or be funded for a 19+ FE course as long as:

  • you are living in the EEA or Switzerland on 31 December 2020, and either:
    • you lived in England immediately before moving there, and you have lived in the EEA, Switzerland, the UK or Gibraltar for at least the last 3 years before starting a course in the UK
    • you did not live in the UK immediately before living there, and have lived in the EEA, Switzerland, the UK or Gibraltar for at least 3 years before starting a course in England
  • you have lived continuously in the EEA, Switzerland, the UK or Gibraltar between 31 December 2020 and the start of your course
  • the course starts before 1 January 2028

Your children will also eligible for support on the same terms, even if they are not themselves UK nationals, as long as both you and they meet the conditions listed above.

Support available

You may be eligible for:

Studying in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

Contact the relevant funding body if you have previously lived in ScotlandWales or Northern Ireland as the funding and eligibility rules may be slightly different.

UK nationals or their children who have never previously lived in the UK should contact the relevant funding body in the country they are planning to study in.

Published 11 August 2020

Apprenticeships that start before 1 August 2021

UK nationals living in the EEA or Switzerland wishing to start an apprenticeship in England before 1 August 2021 will continue to be eligible on the same basis as now.

Find out more about becoming an apprentice.

Apprenticeships starting from 1 August 2021

You will continue to be eligible for an apprenticeship in England if you meet the eligibility requirements in place at the time, including that:

  • you are living in the EEA or Switzerland on 31 December 2020
  • you have been living in the EEA, Switzerland, the UK or Gibraltar for at least the last 3 years before starting an apprenticeship
  • you have lived continuously in the EEA, Switzerland, the UK or Gibraltar between 31 December 2020 and the start of your apprenticeship
  • you will spend at least 50% of your working hours in England during your apprenticeship
  • the apprenticeship starts before 1 January 2028

Your children will also be eligible for an apprenticeship in England on the same terms even if they are not themselves UK nationals.

Apprenticeships outside England

For information on apprenticeships in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, visit the websites for each country:

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