RoRo movements – Temporary facilitation for ENS

Following extensive engagement with trade and business it is clear that significant numbers of businesses are submitting customs declarations, which returns the associated MRN’s within seconds and are using these to create and populate the relevant Pre-Boarding Notification (PBN) without any issues. Revenue ICT systems are fully operational and stable and working as intended, with thousands of customs declarations having been processed in the last number of days.

However, Revenue recognises that some businesses are experiencing difficulties in lodging their safety & security ENS declaration in respect of RoRo goods movements. In response, Revenue is implementing a temporary easement to alleviate these current difficulties. The following MRN can be used,from now, on a temporary basis as your ENS MRN where you are unable to generate same due to the absence of key information or because of other impediments that prevent you completing the ENS process. This will facilitate the completion of your customs formalities, the creation and population of the PBN and ultimately boarding of the ferry for movement of your goods.

ENS MRN detail = 21IE99900000000001

Take-up of this temporary facilitation will be a signal to Revenue that you need support. If you avail of this facilitation you are required to provide contact details to An expert Revenue team has been set up to provide practical guidance, to trade and business to upskill relevant staff, to ensure all businesses currently experiencing difficulties in completing a valid ENS declaration can develop the capability to lodge ENS declarations after the temporary facilitation period. This team will be in place from 8 January and will be available from 8am to 8pm.

We expect trade and business with genuine difficulties that are impeding their ability to complete the ENS process to engage with Revenue in a cooperative endeavour to overcome their difficulties. A failure to engage may result in this temporary easement being withdrawn, so early engagement with Revenue is strongly encouraged.

Please remember that the existing helpline channels remain open for queries, these are:

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