Structural Funds Implementation

Implementing Decision 2014/190/EU on annual distribution of structural funds among EU countries defines how much funding each country will get under the EU’s main structural funds, the EU’s development programmes for regions.

The decision breaks down the allocation of structural funds resources (the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Cohesion Fund) by year and by country.

The tables in the decision annexes give the annual breakdown of global resources by country

  • under the Investment for growth and jobs goal (Annex I; Total amount: €313 billion);
  • under the European territorial cooperation goal which encourages regions to work together on joint projects (Annex II; Total amount: €9 billion);
  • allocated to less developed regions* under the Investment for growth and jobs goal (Annex V; Total amount: €182 billion);
  • allocated to transition regions* under the Investment for growth and jobs goal (Annex VI; Total amount: €35 billion);
  • allocated to more developed regions* under the Investment for growth and jobs goal (Annex VII; Total amount: €54 billion);
  • allocated to countries eligible for funding under the Cohesion Fund for projects that fall under the Investment for growth and jobs goal (Annex VIII; Total amount: €63 billion);
  • allocated to additional funding for the outermost regions* and the northern sparsely populated regions* (Annex IX; Total amount: €1.5 billion);
  • allocated to cross-border cooperation programmes (Annex XIV; Total amount: €7.5 billion);
  • allocated to transnational cooperation programmes (Annex XV; Total amount: €2 billion);
  • allocated to interregional cooperation programmes (Annex XVI; Total amount: €571 million).

The decision also sets out

  • how much is to be spent in each country from the specific allocation for the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) (Annex III; Total amount: €3 billion in 2011 prices; and Annex X; Total amount: €3.2 billion in current prices);
  • the regions eligible for funding under the Youth Employment Initiative;
  • the annual share of the amounts to be transferred from each country’s Cohesion Fund allocation to the Connecting Europe Facility, which funds transport, energy and telecommunications infrastructure (Annex XI; Total amount: €11.3 billion in current prices);
  • the annual breakdown of the amounts to be transferred from each country’s total allocation to aid for the most deprived (Annex XII; Total amount: €3.8 billion in current prices);
  • the annual breakdown of resources for innovative projects in the area of sustainable urban development (Annex XIII; Total amount: €372 million in current prices).

This article is derived from European Union public sector information. EU public information is reproduced pursuant to Commission Decision of 12 December 2011 on the reuse of Commission documents (2011/833/EU) (the EU Decision).

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