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These Regulations are made by the Treasury and make provision supplementing provision made in relation to import duty by and under Part 1 of the Taxation (Cross-border Trade) Act 2018 (c. 22) (“the Act”). This is an EU Exit statutory instrument.

Regulation 3 imposes a duty on a person who is subject to a Customs obligation (as defined in regulation 2) to keep and preserve records specified in a notice published by HMRC. The notice must set out the form in which such records are to be kept and the period for which they must be kept and preserved.

Regulation 4 makes transitional and saving provision in relation to an obligation to keep documents and information under EU legislation which ceases to have effect as a result of paragraph 1(1) of Schedule 7 to the Act.

This instrument will be covered by an overarching HMRC impact assessment (second edition) which will be published and available on the website at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/customs-vat-and-excise-regulations-leaving-the-eu-with-no-deal.

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