Register to Import or Export
From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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From 1 January 2021, new regulatory and customs requirements are going to be part of trading with or through Great Britain.
If you want to continue trading in animals, plants and products of animal (including fish) and plant origin, the operator responsible for the consignment must register with us in order to access our online import platform and submit the documentation required by EU legislation for import consignments from a non-EU country. The role of the operator responsible for the consignment is described in the section below.
Exporters requiring certification for products being exported to Great Britain will need to register to access the Department’s online export platform.
The operator responsible for the consignment is the person responsible for:
- Pre-notification of the consignments arrival at the Border Control Post (BCP) by generating the relevant Common Health Entry Documents (CHED) on TRACES
- Submission of the necessary documents to the Department’s Imports Notification Inspection System (INIS) – the new Imports Portal for guest users, or registered users with a login can access the Imports Portal via
- Point of contact with the staff at the Border Control Post for any issues arising with the documents or subsequent inspections
- Informing the Border Control Post staff of decisions as to what will happen to consignments that fail the import controls check
Under the Official Controls Regulation EU 2017/625 fees apply for official controls (i.e. SPS controls) on consignments of animals and goods imported from third countries. From January 2021, these will be charged in accordance with Annex 4, chapter 1 as set out in the regulation available here and also set out in the Trader Notice.

Import Controls Operations Trader Notice 5/2021 – Fee structures applicable to controls carried out at border control posts
As the importer, you must decide who the operator responsible for the consignment will be.
You may decide to carry out these functions yourself, within your own business, or you may decide to engage an agent to do this on your behalf.
In either case, you must ensure that the operator responsible for the consignment registers with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine in order to access our registered version of the Imports Portal and guest users can also submit documents on the Imports Notification Inspection System (INIS) – the new Imports Portal – that are required by EU legislation for import consignments from a non-EU country.
Exporters requiring certification for products being exported to Great Britain will need to register to access the Department’s export certification system.
The Department’s online registration form here provides a quick and easy way to register to import or export.
For any queries on completing the registration process, contact .
Current clients of the Department, who intend to continue trading with the UK from 1 January 2021, should update their registration by clicking on the online registration form to indicate whether they are importers (the operator responsible for the consignment) and/or exporters.
The Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES) is the European Commission’s online platform for sanitary and phytosanitary certification required for the importation of animals, animal products, food and feed of non-animal origin and plants into the European Union, and the intra-EU trade and EU exports of animals and certain animal products.
If you are trading in live animals or products of animal origin, the operator responsible for the consignment will also need access to the online system TRACES.
When you register as an Importer or Exporter with us, TRACES registration will be initiated for you. See our TRACES page for more details or email for help.
From 1 January 2021, you will need an EORI number to move goods from, through or to Great Britain.
The Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number allows businesses to import or export with countries outside the European Union.
To obtain an EORI number, companies can register directly through Revenue here
You may also need to register with/notify the Environmental Health Service (EHS) of the Health Service Executive (HSE) in relation to the import and export of food products of non-animal origin.
If an export certificate is required for foods of non-animal origin or a food business wishes to notify the HSE, this facility is available through the EHS online services .