1. A supplier’s declaration shall have the content set out in this Annex.
2. Except in the cases referred to in point 3, a supplier’s declaration shall be made out by the supplier for each consignment of products in the form provided for in Appendix 1 and annexed to the invoice, or to any other document describing the products concerned in sufficient detail to enable them to be identified.
3. Where a supplier regularly supplies a particular customer with products for which the production carried out in a Party is expected to remain constant for a period of time, that supplier may provide a single supplier’s declaration to cover subsequent consignments of those products (the ‘long- term supplier’s declaration’). A long-term supplier’s declaration is normally valid for a period of up to two years from the date of making out the declaration. The customs authorities of the Party where the declaration is made out may lay down the conditions under which longer periods may be used. The long-term supplier’s declaration shall be made out by the supplier in the form provided for in Appendix 2 and shall describe the products concerned in sufficient detail to enable them to be identified. The supplier shall inform the customer immediately if the long-term supplier’s declaration ceases to apply to the products supplied.
4. The supplier making out a declaration shall be prepared to submit at any time, at the request of the customs authorities of the Party where the declaration is made out, all appropriate documents proving that the information given on that declaration is correct.
orign cert
The supplier’s declaration, the text of which is provided below, must be made out in accordance with the footnotes. However, the footnotes do not have to be reproduced.
I, the undersigned, the supplier of the products covered by the annexed document, declare that:
1. The following materials which do not originate in [indicate the name of the relevant Party] have been used in [indicate the name of the relevant Party] to produce these products:
Description of the products supplied(1)
Description of non-originating materials used
HS heading of non-originating materials used(2)
Value of non-originating
materials used(2)(3)
Total value 2.
All the other materials used in [indicate the name of the relevant Party] to produce those products originate in [indicate the name of the relevant Party]
I undertake to make available any further supporting documents required.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Place and Date)
…………………………………………………………(Name and position of the undersigned, name and address of company)
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Signature)(6)
Appendix 2
The long-term supplier’s declaration, the text of which is given below, must be made out in accordance with the footnotes. However, the footnotes do not have to be reproduced.
I, the undersigned, the supplier of the products covered by the annexed document, which are regularly supplied to(4) , declare that:
1. The following materials which do not originate in [indicate the name of the relevant Party] have been used in [indicate the name of the relevant Party] to produce these products:
Description of the products supplied
Description of non-originating materials used
HS heading of non-originating materials used
Value of non-originating materials used(2)
Total value.
All the other materials used in [indicate the name of the relevant Party] to produce those products originate in a Party [indicate the name of the relevant Party];
This declaration is valid for all subsequent consignments of these products dispatched
from ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. to
……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ( 5 )
I undertake to inform ( 4 )
immediately if this declaration ceases to be valid.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Place and Date)
…………………………………………………………(Name and position of the undersigned, name and address of company)
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Signature) (6)
(1) Where the invoice or other document to which the declaration is annexed relates to different kinds of products, or to products which do not incorporate non-originating materials to the same extent, the supplier must clearly differentiate them.
(2) The information requested does not have to be given unless it is necessary. Examples:
One of the rules for garments of Chapter 62 provides “Weaving combined with making-up including cutting of fabric”. If a manufacturer of such garments in a Party uses fabric imported from the other Party which has been obtained there by weaving non-originating yarn, it is sufficient for the supplier in the latter Party to describe in his declaration the non-originating material used as yarn, without it being necessary to indicate the HS heading and the value of such yarn.
A producer of wire of iron of HS heading 7217 who has produced it from non-originating iron bars should indicate in the second column ‘bars of iron’. Where that wire is to be used in the production of a machine for which the rule contains a limitation for all non-originating materials used to a certain percentage value, it is necessary to indicate in the third column the value of non-originating bars.
(3) ‘Value of non-originating materials used’ means the value of the non-originating materials used in the production of the product, which is its customs value at the time of importation, including freight, insurance if appropriate, packing and all other costs incurred in transporting the materials to the importation port in the Party where the producer of the product is located; where the value of the non-originating materials is not known and cannot be ascertained, the first ascertainable price paid for the non-originating materials in the Union or in the United Kingdom is used.
(4) Name and address of the customer
(5) Insert dates
(6) This field may contain an electronic signature, a scanned image or other visual representation of the signer’s handwritten signature instead of original signatures, where appropriate.
The statement on origin referred to in Article ORIG.19 [Statement on origin] of this Agreement shall be made out using the text set out below in one of the following language versions and in accordance with the laws and regulations of the exporting Party. If the statement on origin is handwritten, it shall be written in ink in printed characters. The statement on origin shall be made out in accordance with the respective footnotes. The footnotes do not have to be reproduced.
Bulgarian version Croatian version Czech version Danish version Dutch version English version Estonian version Finnish version French version German version Greek version Hungarian version Italian version Latvian version Lithuanian version Maltese version Polish version Portuguese version Romanian version Slovak version Slovenian version Spanish version Swedish version
(Period: from to (1))
The exporter of the products covered by this document (Exporter Reference No … (2)) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of … (3) preferential origin.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………(4) (Place and date)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Name of the exporter)
1 If the statement on origin is completed for multiple shipments of identical originating products within the meaning of point (b) of Article ORIG.19(4) [Statement on Origin] of this Agreement, indicate the period for which the statement on origin is to apply. That period shall not exceed 12 months. All importations of the product must occur within the period indicated. If a period is not applicable, the field may be left blank.
2 Indicate the reference number by which the exporter is identified. For the Union exporter, this will be the number assigned in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Union. For the United Kingdom exporter, this will be the number assigned in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable within the United Kingdom. Where the exporter has not been assigned a number, this field may be left blank.
3 Indicate the origin of the product: the United Kingdom or the Union.
4 Place and date may be omitted if the information is contained on the document itself.