Brexit – Prepare your Business for Change
- While ratification of the Withdrawal Agreement is still the Government’s primary focus, and preparations are continuing for all scenarios, greater priority is now being given to preparations for a no deal (‘disorderly’) Brexit.
- If you import or export:
- live animals (such as cattle, sheep or horses),
- animal products (such as meat, dairy products or fishery products);
- plants (such as trees, flowers or vegetables) or
- certain plant products (such as fruit, foliage or timber)
- from or to the UK, you will encounter new regulatory requirements and customs procedures along your supply chains, when the UK leaves the EU.
- These new requirements will arise in particular in relation to the carrying out at ports and airports of documentary, identity and physical checks on imports of animals, plants, and products of animal and plant origin. Export certification requirements will also arise in the short-term in relation to the export of some plant and forestry products to the UK.
- As a first step, whether you are an importer or an exporter, you will need to register with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) as soon as possible, if you are not already registered: Registration
- You should familiarise yourself with the specific requirements for the commodity you are trading in, by visiting the relevant page of the DAFM website see FAQs – covering Animal and Animal Products; Plants and Plant Products; Timber and Timber Products; Fishery Products; Animal Feed; Fertilizers; Landbridge; Certification of Exports; and General Issues; and
- You should examine your current supply chains and consider ways in which delays or other interruptions can be kept to a minimum see Advice for Importers and Exporters
- You can contact our dedicated Brexit email address:
- You can contact our dedicated Brexit Call Centre: 076 1064443 Monday to Friday 9:30am to 5:00pm.
- There is also a single Government website for all the key information regarding Brexit
If you want to continue trading with the UK (i.e. importing or exporting) in plants, animals, or products of plant or animal origin, the person responsible for the consignment must register with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) and comply with the appropriate EU Sanitary and Phytosanitary requirements for Third Country imports.
Registration with DAFM can be undertaken by completing the attached CCS form (see below) and by emailing it to
In addition, if you are trading in live animals or products of animal origin, the person responsible for the consignment will also need access to the online system ‘TRACES.’ To register for such access, please send the request to
You are also reminded that, once the UK exit the EU, customs formalities will commence for all existing and new traders with the UK. As a result, such traders will be required to make customs declarations and will therefore need to register for an Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number. Registration with Revenue for this number should be completed as soon as possible at
For detailed practical Advice for Importers and Exporters click here.
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