PART 16 – Amendment of Extradition Act 1965

Minister for Justice and Equality


Head 16-1. Definition Provide that –

Explanatory Note:

This is a standard provision

Head 16-2. Amendment of section 4 of Act of 1965

Explanatory Note:

This amendment is a consequential provision following the insertion of a new section 23(2) into the Act.

Head 16-3. Irish citizens

Explanatory Note:

It is proposed to apply the provisions of the 1957 Council of Europe Convention on Extradition to extradition between Ireland and the UK by way of Statutory Instrument – a “Part II” Order made in accordance with section 8 of the Extradition Act 1965.

The amendment to section 14 of the 1965 Act will ensure that the current reciprocal arrangement in relation to extradition of citizens continues as the UK already extradites, and proposes to continue to extradite, its citizens.

Head 16-4. Amendment of section 23 of Act of 1965

Explanatory Note:

This Head provides for the transmission of documents supporting a request for extradition under the 1957 Convention by modern means of communication.

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