The Irish Economy

  • Ireland is a stable, competitive, secure and pro-business country.
  • The Irish economy is the fastest growing in the Eurozone.
  • The Irish Government is committed to sustainable management of public finances and Ireland receives an ‘A’ grade from all major credit rating agencies.
  • Ireland is a committed member of the EU Single Market and the Eurozone.
  • There is strong public support for Ireland’s EU membership.
    – 92% think Ireland has benefited from EU membership
    – 85% think that Ireland’s membership of the EU is a good thing
    – 88% support the Euro


A young, well-educated and productive workforce

Ireland’s young workforce is capable, highly adaptable, educated and committed to achievement

Ireland has the youngest population in Europe with a third of the population under 25 years old. The population is forecast to increase by almost one million people to 5.75 million by 2040.

Labour Pool

Companies operating in Ireland have access to a labour pool of almost 250m people from across the EU.

​For companies who need to recruit talent from outside the EU, IDA Ireland works in close consultation with the relevant Irish authorities on securing employment permits and visas.

Companies can also avail of a streamlined employment permit applications under the Trusted Partner Initiative.

Cost of Living in Ireland

The cost of living in regional locations in Ireland compares exceptionally well to other competing cities, while Dublin ranks among the top 10 European cities for purchasing power



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