Supports to get your business Brexit Ready: Upskilling

The Government runs a range of training supports for upskilling in various skillsets identified as key to addressing the trade related challenges of Brexit including customs clearance, supply chain management, logistics, business development (sales/marketing), financial management and foreign languages:

Enterprise Ireland’s ‘Ready for Customs’

The new €20 million Customs Clearing Capacity Building Scheme Ready for Customs, administered by Enterprise Ireland, will help SMEs involved in exporting and importing with the UK and further afield to put in place the staff, software and IT systems to be ready for new customs arrangements from 1 January 2021.

InterTradeIreland’s approved ‘Brexit Service Providers’

 InterTradeIreland’s panel of training/consultancy experts specialise in a range of areas such as customs, supply chain, logistics and currency risk, and are approved providers under the ‘Start to Plan’ voucher.

Enterprise Ireland’s Customs Insights Course

Enterprise Ireland’s Customs Insights online course is available to all SMEs and aims to give learners a firm understanding of the key customs concepts, documentation and processes required to succeed post transition. The course advises on the key actions companies can take to prepare for customs after the transition period, and the resources available to support these actions.

Local Enterprise Offices Customs Workshops

The Local Enterprise Offices one day interactive customs workshops provide businesses with a better understanding of the potential impacts, formalities and procedures to be adopted when trading with a country outside the Single Market and Customs Union. This includes areas such as what export and import procedures apply, how tariffs work and how to correctly classify goods.

Currency Risk Management

For Irish companies exporting to the UK, the Enterprise Ireland Currency Impact Calculator can help you understand the effect of movements in the sterling/euro exchange rate on your business. For more information on managing currency exposure, visit Enterprise Ireland’s guidance and tools for managing currency exposure.

Enterprise Ireland Act On Initiative

Enterprise Ireland’s Act On Initiative helps Brexit exposed client companies to create a strong action plan and identify the opportunities and risks Brexit may pose to businesses. It focuses on three areas: financial and currency management, strategic sourcing, and customs and logistics.

InterTradeIreland Bite Size Supply Chain

InterTradeIreland has created free bitesize supply chain supports to help businesses identify where their key opportunities and risks are and what actions they can take to protect their supply chains.

Bord Bia Customs, Currency and Supply Chain training and guidance

In the agri-food area, Bord Bia offers Support Programmes to its client companies covering training in supply chain optimization and customs readiness, as well as supply chain and sanitary and phytosanitary mentoring. It has also developed a Food and Drinks Supply Chain Logistics guide and providers database.

Regional Skills Fora

A network of nine Regional Skills Fora has been created to help regional employers connect with the range of services and supports available across the education and training system. Contact your Regional Skills Fora manager to explore your options.

Skillnet Ireland Networks and Clear Customs

69 distinct Skillnet Networks work with businesses in specific sectors, developing bespoke, State subsidised solutions to meet existing and emerging skills needs. Explore networks with experience in your area, and which understand your business needs. There are networks that cater for Agriculture/Agri-Food, Biopharma/Medtech, Engineering/Construction, Food/Beverage, Hospitality/Tourism, ICT, IFS, Manufacturing, Retail and Transport and Logistics sectors.

Skillnet Ireland’s free Clear Customs training supports the customs intermediary sector and businesses that trade frequently with or through the UK. The course covers a range of customs and SPS requirements and is delivered primarily through an online platform.

Springboard +

Springboard + is an upskilling initiative in higher education offering free or heavily subsidised courses at certificate, degree and masters level, leading to qualifications in areas where there are employment opportunities in the economy. A number are in the areas of business development and logistics/supply chain management. The initiative has now been expanded to include those in employment.

Logistics and Retail sector apprenticeships

Apprenticeships are currently available or are being developed across a wide range of industries and sectors. Apprenticeships now available include the Logistics Associate, Supply Chain Associate, Supply Chain Manager, Supply Chain Specialist and Retail Supervision. For further information on the range of programmes available visit the Apprenticeship Council.

Languages Connect strategy and GradStart programme

Diversifying trade with non-UK markets, and therefore the enhancement of employer engagement in the development and use of trade languages, will be key after the transition period. This is a core objective of the Government’s foreign languages strategy. For more on the benefits and opportunities language competency can bring in business, see the strategy’s Languages Connect portal. Under its GradStart programme, Enterprise Ireland client companies are being supported in the recruitment of highly skilled graduates to develop and grow their business for two years. Where a company has a clear requirement for a graduate with language proficiency, 70% of individual graduate salary costs are covered.

Further information

Find out more about getting your business Brexit ready

The Skillnet Ireland Clear Customs training offers free virtual training to Customs intermediaries and to businesses who frequently trade with or through the UK.

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