Sample Single Administrative Document (First Copy only)
There are enlarged copies below.
There is also an Excel File Copy below
The above is a copy of the paper standard administrative document (first copy only). The following is larger copy broken into three parts, to aid legibility. In practice, it is completed online.
The forms and continuation forms used comprise the copies needed to complete the formalities relating to one or more customs procedures, taken from a set of eight copies:
— copy 1 is kept by the authorities of the Member State in which export (dispatch) or Union transit formalities are completed,
— copy 2 is used for statistical purposes by the Member State of export. This copy can be used as well for statistical purposes by the Member State of dispatch in cases of trade between parts of the customs territory of the Union with a different fiscal regime,
— copy 3 is returned to the exporter after being stamped by the customs authority,
— copy 4 is kept by the office of destination upon completion of the Union transit operation or as the document providing evidence of the customs status of Union goods,
— copy 5 is the return copy for the Union transit procedure,
— copy 6 is kept by the authorities of the Member State in which import formalities are completed,
— copy 7 is used for statistical purposes by the Member State of import. This copy can be used as
well for statistical purposes by the Member State of import in cases of trade between parts of the customs territory of the Union with a different fiscal regime,
— copy 8 is returned to the consignee.
Various combinations are therefore possible, such as:
— export, outward processing or re-export: copies 1, 2 and 3,
— Union transit: copies 1, 4 and 5,
— customs procedures at import: copies 6, 7 and 8.
In addition, there are circumstances in which the customs status of Union goods in question has to be proved at destination. In such cases copy 4 should be used as a T2L document.
Operators may, if they wish, use privately printed subsets combining the appropriate copies, provided that they conform to the official specimen.
Where declarations are to be processed by computer, use may be made of subsets taken from sets in which each copy has a dual function: 1/6, 2/7, 3/8, 4/5.
In this case, in each subset, the numbers of the copies being used must be shown by striking through
the numbers, in the margin of the form, referring to the copies not being used.
Every such subset must be designed so that the particulars which have to appear on each copy will be
reproduced by means of chemical treatment of the paper.
The forms contain a number of boxes only some of which will be used, depending on the customs procedure(s) in question.
Without prejudice to the application of simplified procedures, the boxes which may be completed for each procedure are set out in the following table. The specific provisions concerning each box as they are
described in Title II apply without prejudice to the status of the boxes as defined in the table.
Note that the status listed below have no bearing on the fact that certain particulars are collected only where circumstances warrant it. For example, the supplementary units in box 41 (status ‘A’) will only be collected where required by the TARIC.
Column headings Codes for Box 37 1st Subdivision
A: Export/Dispatch 10,11,23
B: Customs warehousing procedure in order to obtain payment of special export refunds prior to exportation or manufacturing under customs supervision and under customs control prior to exportation and payment of export refunds 76,77
C: Re-export after a special procedure other than the customs warehousing procedure 31
D: Re-export after customs warehousing 31
E: Outward processing 21,22
F: Transit
G: Customs status of Union goods
H: Release for free circulation 01,07,40, 42, 43, 45, 48, 49, 61, 63, 68
I: Placing of goods under inward processing or temporary admission 51,53,54
J: Placing under a customs warehouse 71, 78
Symbols in the cells
A: Mandatory: Particulars required by every Member State
B: Optional for the Member States: Particulars which Member States may decide to waive
C: Optional for operators: Particulars which operators may decide to supply but which cannot be demanded by the Member States
[1] This box is mandatory for agricultural products with export refunds.
[2] This particular may only be required for non-computerised procedures.
[3] When the declaration covers only one item of goods, the Member States may provide for this box to
be left empty, the figure “1” having been entered in box 5.
[4] This box is mandatory for the NCTS in the manner provided for in Appendix C2.
[5] This particular may only be required for computerised procedures.
[6] This box is optional for the Member States where the consignee is not established in the Union nor in
a common transit country.
[7] Not for use in the case of postal consignments or carriage by fixed transport installations.
[8] Not for use in the case of postal consignments or carriage by fixed transport installations or rail.
[9] This particular may be required for non-computerised procedures. In the case of computerised
procedures, Member States need not collect this particular if they can deduce it from information elsewhere in the declaration and so transmit it to the Commission in compliance with the provisions on the collection of external trade statistics.
[10] Member States may only require completion of the third subdivision where the customs
administration is calculating customs value on behalf of the economic operator.
[11] Member States may only require this information in cases in which the rules on the monthly fixing of
exchange rates laid down in [ex Title V, Chapter 6] do not apply.
[12] This box must not be completed when export formalities are carried out at the point of exit from the
[13] This box must not be completed where the import formalities are carried out at the point of entry into
the Union.
[14] This box may be used in the NCTS in the manner provided for in Appendix C2.
[16] This subdivision must be completed where:
– the transit declaration is made by the same person at the same time as, or following, a
customs declaration which includes a commodity code, or
– where Union legislation so provides.
[17] For completion only where Union legislation so provides.
[18] This information is not required for goods eligible for relief from import duties, unless the customs
authorities consider it necessary for the application of the provisions governing the release for free circulation of the goods concerned.
[19] Member States may waive this obligation if their systems allow them to deduce this information
automatically and unambiguously from information elsewhere in the declaration.
[20] This information is not to be provided when customs administrations calculate duties on behalf of
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operators on the basis of information elsewhere in the declaration. It is otherwise optional for the Member States.
[21] This information is not to be provided when customs administrations calculate duties on behalf of operators on the basis of information elsewhere in the declaration.
[22] Where the declaration is accompanied by the document referred to in Article TDA II-3-01, Member States may waive completion of this box.
[23] This box is to be completed where the declaration of placing of goods under a customs procedure is used to discharge a customs warehousing procedure.
[24] Where goods are carried in containers that are to be transported by road vehicles, the customs authorities may authorise the holder of the procedure to leave this box blank where the logistical pattern at the point of departure may prevent the identity and nationality of the means of transport from being provided at the time of establishment of the transit declaration and where the customs authorities can ensure that the required information concerning the means of transport will be subsequently entered in box 55.
[25] The Member State of acceptance of the declaration may waive the obligation to provide this information where it is in position to assess it correctly and has implemented calculation routines to provide a result compatible with statistical requirement.
Whenever a particular subset contains one or more copies which may be used in a Member State other than the one in which it was first completed, the forms must be completed by typewriter or by a mechanographical or similar process. For ease of completion by typewriter the form should be inserted in the machine in such a way that the first letter of the particulars to be entered in box 2 is placed in the position box in the top left-hand corner.
Where all the copies of a subset are intended for use in the same Member State, they may be filled in legibly by hand, in ink and in block capitals, provided that this is allowed in that Member State. The same applies to the particulars to be given on the copies used for the purposes of the Union transit procedure.
The form must contain no erasures or overwriting. Any alterations must be made by crossing out the incorrect particulars and adding those required. Any alterations made in this way must be initialled by the person making them and expressly endorsed by the competent authorities. The latter may, where necessary, require a new declaration to be lodged.
In addition, the forms may be completed using an automatic reproduction process instead of any of the procedures mentioned above. They may also be produced and completed by this means on condition that the provisions concerning the specimen forms, format, language used, legibility, absence of erasures and overwriting, and amendments are strictly observed.
Only numbered boxes are to be completed, as appropriate, by operators. The other boxes, identified by a capital letter, are for administrative use.
Without prejudice to general remark 2, the copies which are to remain at the office of export/dispatch or departure must bear the original signature of the persons concerned.
The lodging with a customs office of a declaration signed by the declarant or his representative shall indicate that the person concerned is declaring the goods in question for the procedure applied for and, without prejudice to the possible application of sanctions, shall be held responsible, in accordance with the provisions in force in the Member States, in respect of:
— the accuracy of the information given in the declaration,
— the authenticity of the documents attached,
— the observance of all the obligations inherent in the placement of the goods in question under the procedure concerned.
The signature of the holder of the procedure or, where applicable, his authorised representative commits him in respect of all particulars relating to the Union transit operation pursuant to the provisions on Union transit laid down in the Code and in this Regulation and as listed in section B above.
As regards Union transit formalities and formalities at destination, it is in the interests of each person intervening in the operation to check the contents of his declaration before signing it and lodging it with the customs office. In particular, any discrepancy found by the person concerned between the goods which he is
to declare and any particulars already entered on the forms being used must immediately be reported by that person to the customs authority. In such cases the declaration must then be made out on fresh forms.
Unless Title III provides otherwise, a box that is not to be used should be left completely blank.