11. Export completion rules: SAD C88/ESS BOXES

11.1 Box 1: declaration

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
C21, Full, SD and PSA Decln (1) DECLN-TYPE

This box has 3 subdivisions but only the first 2 are to be used. For the first subdivision enter the type of declaration as follows:

  • CO Export of goods in free circulation to a Special Territory of the EU
  • EX Dispatch of goods not in free circulation to another EU member state and all exports to non-EU member states, (except EFTA member states, see EU below) whether or not in free circulation
  • EU Export of goods to an European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member state

The term ‘EFTA’ refers not only to the EFTA countries but to the other non-EU contracting parties to the Conventions on a common transit procedure and on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods.

The second subdivision is used to indicate both the type of declaration and if the goods have arrived or not at the office of export.

For DTI declarations the code used must be consistent with the CHIEF transaction being used.

In general export declarations are pre-input, for example codes D, F and K. Some CPCs permit the use of certain arrived codes:

  • A – full declaration goods arrived (IEFD) (only allowed in certain circumstances)
  • C – SDP PSA goods arrived (IESP) (only allowed in certain circumstances)
  • D – full declaration goods not arrived (IEFD)
  • F – SDP and CSE PSA goods not arrived (IELP and IESP) (a full declaration is required for CAP goods use code D)
  • J – C21 goods arrived (IECR) (only allowed in certain circumstances)
  • K – C21 goods not arrived (IECR)
  • Y – SDP supplementary declaration (IESD)
  • Z – CSE supplementary declaration (IESD)

The third subdivision is to be left blank in the UK.

11.2 Box 2: consignor/exporter

Declaration types Screen name
C21, Full, EXSSD and PSA Cnsgnor(2)

The consignors/exporters identity and, depending on the circumstances, their name and address is to be provided.

The consignor/exporter can be declared at the header level or for each item.


The exporter is the person on whose behalf the export declaration is made and who owns the goods or has a similar right of disposal over them at the time when the declaration is accepted.

Where ownership or right of disposal belongs to a person established outside of the EU, pursuant to the contract on which the export is based, the exporter shall be considered to be the contracting party established in the EU (Commission Regulation 2454/93 Article 788(2)).

For example, the UK seller would be entered as exporter/consignor in respect of ex-works sales and the name and address of the overseas buyer entered as additional information into box 44 of the declaration (see AI codes under general statements). Unless they own or have a right of disposal over the goods, forwarders, agents and carriers such as airlines and shipping lines must not enter their details in this box.

For paper and C21 declarations only one consignor is to be declared. For all other declarations, if there is only one consignor then the consignor’s details are to be supplied at header level. However, if there is more than one consignor, then consignor details are to be supplied at item level (one consignor per item).

If the consignor/exporter is the same for all items then the consignor/exporter must only be declared at the header level and not at item level.

If the person lodging the declaration is not the consignor/exporter then the declarant (who must be a UK registered trader) should complete box 14.

The exporter should be EORI registered. There may be some circumstances where an EORI registration number will not be available. Where these codes are used full name, address and contact details must be provided.

Find more about the use of GBPR.


Screen name EDI data element
Id Header: CNSGR-TID


Enter the consignors/exporters identity. For specifically MoU approved fast parcel traders insert GB888888811005 when details of individual consignors do not have to be supplied.

Name and address

Screen name EDI data element


The full name and address is to be entered if either:

  • the country code in the identity is other than GB
  • the identity is GBPR
  • CAP Export Refund is being claimed
  • it’s a paper declaration

11.3 Box 3: SAD (C88/ESS) form (paper declarations)

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Paper Full declaration None None

If continuation sheets are not used, it is only a single item declaration, this box can be left blank, otherwise enter the number of sheets being used (for example, if there are 2 continuation sheets, enter 1/3 on the SAD(C88/ESS), 2/3 on the first continuation sheet and 3/3 on the second continuation sheet). The first figure is to be entered in the first subdivision of the box and the second figure is to be entered in the second subdivision.

11.4 Box 5: Items

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Paper and online Full and EXS declarations, and online PSAs, SDs Items(5) None

This is required on paper declarations or when the declaration is input on-line via HCI.

Enter the total number of items declared on all the SAD (C88/ESS) and continuation sheets used for the consignment. The number of items must correspond to the number of description of goods boxes (box 31) completed.

Any description of goods boxes on SAD (C88/ESS) continuation sheets which are not used must be crossed through. The maximum number of items that is to be entered is 99. If there are more than 99 items then further declarations must be submitted for the balance of the items.

The maximum number of items that can be entered for an EXS is 999. For other entry types the limit is 99.

11.5 Box 6: total packages

Declaration types
C21, Full, EXSPSA and SD

For C21 declarations, completion of this field is optional. Enter the total number of packages making up the consignment covered by the declaration. When goods are exported in bulk, for example grain or oil enter 1.

11.6 Box 7: reference number

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
C21, Full, SDPSA and EXS D/Ref (7) TDR-OWN-REF-ENT

This is for optional use by the declarant to record a commercial reference for their purposes.

This field is not supported by CHIEF as a key to the declaration and is in addition to the information declared in box 44 (Declaration Unique Consignment Reference (DUCR) and DUCR Part suffix).

11.7 Box 8: consignee

Declaration types Screen name
C21, Full, SDPSA and EXS Cnsgnee(8)

Enter the consignees identity, if known, and their name and address. The consignee can be declared at the header level or for each item. If the consignee is the same for all items then the consignee must only be declared at the header level and not at item level.

You need to be aware that:

  • if the consignee is not known, enter the details of the firm or company responsible for taking delivery of the goods
  • for traders authorised under the fast parcel MoU, or if directed by CPC instructions, consignee details can be supplied by entering 00200 in each of the name, street, city and postcode fields and enter the country of ultimate destination of the goods in the country field
  • for paper and C21 declarations only one consignee is to be declared – for all other declarations, if there’s only one consignee then the consignee’s details are to be supplied at header level, but if there is more than one consignee then consignee details are to be supplied at item level #### Identity
Screen name EDI data elements
Id Header: CNSGE-TID


The trader identity should be supplied if known. The identity of a consignee is a combination of the country code of the issuing country, and the identity reference allocated by that country. The identity reference must take the following form:

  • agency code (an..3) as listed in UN/EDIFACT 3055
  • importers Identification code (an..13)

For example, JP1511234567890 for a Japanese importer (country code: JP) whose identification number with Japanese customs (Agency Code 151) is 1234567890.

Name and address

Screen name EDI data elements
Name, street, city, pstcde and ctry Header: CNSGE-NAME, CNSGE-STREET, CNSGE-CITY, CNSGEPOSTCODE, CNSGE-CNTRY


Enter the full name and address of the consignee, including the postcode. Where a country does not use a postcode or equivalent code, for example, US zip code, enter NA in this field.

11.8 Box 14: declarant/representative

Declaration types Screen name
C21, Full, SDEXS and PSA Declrnt(14)

The declarants type of representation and, depending on the circumstances, their identity and name and address are to be provided. For an EXS, the declarant is the person lodging the declaration. The field is optional. If declarant is not supplied, then the person lodging the declaration must be the consignor declared at header level.

Type of representation

Screen name EDI data element

Not required for EXS otherwise this field must be completed as follows:

  1. Trader completing own declaration, ie self representation.
  2. Direct representation (Article 5.2 Code 1st indent).
  3. Indirect representation (Article 5.2 Code 2nd indent).

On paper declarations the code must be shown in square brackets, [1] at the beginning of the number field.

Any person may appoint a representative (agent) to perform the acts and formalities laid down by customs rules.

Direct representation

Where an agent is acting as a ‘direct’ representative, in the name and on behalf of another person, the declarant and the agent must hold, and be able to produce on customs request, written authority of their powers to act as the declarants representative.

Failure to produce written authority will result in liability resting with the agent. Where an agent delegates the making of a declaration to a sub-agent and the sub-agent makes the declaration in a direct capacity, in the name and on behalf of the first agent, the sub- agent must hold (and be able to produce on request to customs) written authority of their power to act.

Failure to produce written authority will result in liability resting with the sub-agent.

Indirect representation

Where the declarant is acting as an indirect representative in their own name, but on behalf of another person, both parties accept joint liability for all information provided.

Where an agent delegates the making of a declaration to a sub-agent in an indirect capacity on behalf of the first agent, then the sub-agent also becomes the customs debtor.

If the type of representation has been entered as 1 then no further details need be supplied. In all other cases enter the declarants identity.


Screen name EDI data element

Enter the declarants identity.

Name and address

Screen name EDI data element

The full name and address of the declarant must also be entered if:

  • the declarants identity has been entered and the country code is other than GB
  • the identity is GBPR
  • it’s a paper declaration

11.9 Box 15(a): country of export

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Full, SDPSA and EXS Disp ctry(15a) DISP-CNTRY (and under ECS, see notes below, ITEMDISP-CNTRY)

Enter the code for the country of export.


Where there are a number of items on a declaration but there is only one country of export, this must be declared at header level only. No reference to country of export should be made at item level.

Where there are a number of items on the declaration and there is more than one country of export, the country of export must be declared at individual item level only, not at the header level. The country of export must not be the same for all individual item level data.

The country of export used must be an EU member state.

Find the list of country codes.

11.10 Box 17(a): country of destination

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Full, SDPSA and EXS Dest ctry(17a) DEST-CNTRY (and under ECS, see notes below, ITEMDEST-CNTRY)

Enter the code for the country of ultimate destination, which is also to be completed as part of the countries of routing requirement.


Where there are a number of items on a declaration but there is only one country of ultimate destination, this must be declared at header level only. No reference to ultimate destination country should be made at item level.

Where there are a number of items on the declaration and there is more than one ultimate country of destination, the ultimate country of destination must be declared at individual item level only, not at the header level. The ultimate country of destination must not be the same for all individual item level data.

For an EXS this is the country of final destination. It must be supplied except for Specific Circumstance Indicator B. Only one country can be declared at the header level.

11.11 Box 18: identity of the means of transport on departure

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Full Inlnd Trpt Id(18) TRPT-ID-INLD

Completion of this field is mandatory for all CAP export refund declarations except for declarations made for:

  • Special Export Refund (SER) beef placed into warehouse
  • goods under victualling warehouse procedures
  • simplified victualling

Enter the identity of the means of transport on which the goods are directly loaded at the time the export declaration is made.

If the goods are not being declared at the point of exit from the EU, they are being declared at the trader’s premises under the local clearance procedures or at an Inland Container Depot (ICD) or a warehouse, enter the identity of the means of transport on which the goods are loaded for dispatch to the frontier.

If exact details are not available when the declaration is lodged, unknown may be entered, but details must be entered later. This can be done prior to re-arrival at the frontier using standard amendment procedures or use of the C81/ C1221 procedure as appropriate if the goods have already finally departed from the EU.

Depending on the means of transport concerned, enter:

  • for sea and inland waterway transport, the name of the vessel
  • for air transport, the number and date of the flight – where there is no flight number, enter the aircrafts registration number
  • for road transport, the vehicle registration number – if a tractor and trailer with different registration numbers are used, enter the registration numbers of both the tractor and the trailer
  • for rail transport, the wagon number

11.12 Box 21: identity and nationality of the active means of transport crossing the border

This box has 2 fields – transport identity and transport nationality.

On paper declarations, enter the transport identity followed, if required, by the transport nationality.

Field 1 (expected) transport identity

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Full Trpt (21): Id TRPT-ID

Completion of this field is mandatory for all CAP export refund declarations except for declarations made for either:

  • SER beef placed into warehouse
  • goods under victualling warehouse procedures
  • simplified victualling

If exact details are not available when the declaration is lodged, unknown may be entered, but details must be entered later. This can be done prior to re-arrival at the frontier using standard amendment procedures or use of the C81/C1221 procedure as appropriate if the goods have already finally departed from the EU.


Examples of the information to be provided are:

  • for goods leaving the EU by ship enter the name of the ship
  • for goods leaving the EU by air enter the number and date of the flight – where there is no flight number, enter the aircrafts registration number
  • for goods leaving the EU 1-15 by road vehicle enter the vehicle registration number
  • for goods leaving the EU by rail wagon enter the identifying number of the rail wagon

In the case of combined transport or where several means of transport are used, the active means of transport is the one which propels the whole combination. For example, in the case of a lorry on a seagoing vessel, the active means of transport is the ship. In the case of a tractor and trailer, the active means of transport is the tractor.

If the details have not been released because of security concerns, enter only the name of the air or shipping line.

If the details are not known enter ‘Unknown’.

Field 2 (expected) transport nationality

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
PSA, Full, SD Trpt Id/Nat(21)second field TRPT-CNTRY

Do not complete this field if box 25 has been completed with 2, 5 or 7.

Enter the nationality (country) code of the expected or intended active means of transport.

For ships registered in colonies and dependencies of a country enter the nationality of the country.

For ships registered in the UK dependent territories enter the nationality of that territory.

11.13 Box 22: invoice currency

First sub-division only. Enter the currency of invoice. This information is only required for declarations above a value threshold of over £100,000 (excluding bulk low value declarations). There is no requirement for the actual invoice value, or to change the currency in which the statistical value (box 46) is declared.

11.14 Box 25: mode of transport at the border

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Full, SD and PSA Trpt Mode(25) TRPT-MODE-CODE

This field is mandatory for all supplementary declarations. For all other declarations where the goods are declared inland this field may be left blank. Where the goods are declared at ports or airports this information will usually be supplied by the port/airport and so can be left blank, but if not being supplied by the port/airport the field should be completed.

From the list below, enter the relevant code for the mode of transport corresponding to the active means of transport, which will be used or was used to exit the external border of the EU:

  • sea transport – 1
  • rail transport – 2
  • road transport – 3
  • air transport – 4
  • postal consignment – 5 (should only be used for goods handled by the authorised postal operator which is governed by the Universal Postal Union, ie Royal Mail Group – the ‘actual’ mode of transport should be used for all other goods)
  • fixed transport installations – 7
  • inland waterway transport – 8
  • own propulsion – 9

11.15 Box 26: mode of transport inland

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Full and SDE Inlnd Trpt Mode(26) TRPT-MODE-INLD

This box only needs to be completed when an export declaration is submitted inland, for example at an ICD or warehouse or traders premises, ie not when a declaration is first submitted at a UK frontier location such as a port or airport.

From the list at box 25 above enter the relevant code for the inland mode of transport which is expected to be or was used.

11.16 Box 29: office of exit

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Full, PSAEXS Exit Office(29) EXIT-OFFICE

The office of exit should be completed for indirect exports (meaning those exiting via another member state).

The office of exit codes to be entered are from the EUs customs office list.

The codes are in the format of the prefix for the member state followed by a 6 character reference, for example NL566396 is the code for Rotterdam Maasvlakte whilst IEDUB400 is for Dublin Airport.

The office of exit should not be completed for:

  • direct exports
  • exports which move under a transit procedure – see below for details
  • exports that are travelling under a STC – see below for details

Single Transport Contract (STC)

Where goods are leaving via another member state, but a claim is being made for export under a single transport contract, box 29 should not be completed. The claim to single transport contract should be indicated by a header AI statement STC99 in box 44.

Export procedure followed by transit procedure

All goods for export must first obtain customs clearance or permission to progress (P2P) from CHIEF. Where it is required that the goods must remain under customs control on one of the transit procedures they must subsequently be declared to NCTS.

11.17 Box 30: location of goods

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
C21, Full, SDPSA and EXS Locn goods(30) GDS-LOCN-CODE

Completion of this field with the Goods Location Code is mandatory for:

  • CSE PSAs
  • full declarations at an CSE traders premises (as required for a CAP refund claim)
  • all C21s
  • all supplementary declarations
  • all Exit Summary Declarations (ESDs) – the intended location of the goods must be declared on the EXS (it must be a location from which goods can exit from the UK (not trader’s premises)) and the goods can arrive and exit from another location
  • all goods being re-exported from a customs warehouse, where CPC 31 71 000 is used and then box 49 has to be entered, the CHIEF system will not accept the entry unless a location code is entered

On other pre-lodged full and SDP PSAs this box should be left blank as the details will be derived from the arrival message sent by the port/airport.

The goods location code has 3 parts, but do not enter any separator or space between the parts.

Part Comments
Part 1 – country code In all cases enter GB.
Part 2 – location code Under CSE enter the relevant goods location code as advised by customs during the original CSE authorisation process. This code must be recorded on CHIEF (see also UK Trade Tariff: NES local clearance freight locations and UK Trade Tariff: EPU sites) as being inland. In all other cases from the list in UK Trade Tariff: freight location codes enter the relevant code for where the goods are available for examination, for Free Zones see UK Trade Tariff: inland clearance depots and free zone codes).
Part 3 – shed/local identity code On CSE PSAs, if only one set of premises are approved, this field is to be left blank. If more than one set of premises exists, a numeric value for each location will already have been agreed with local customs. Enter the number for the relevant location of the goods.

On all other declarations, this part does not need to be completed unless the goods are at a location where computerised inventory systems are based on the use of transit shed identity codes, in which case enter the appropriate code.

11.18 Box 31: packages and description of goods

For each item on the declaration a description of goods, package marks, number and kind, and any container numbers are to be entered as set out below.

Any description of goods boxes on paper SAD (C88/ESS) continuation sheets, which are not used, must be crossed through.

Package details are not required for specific circumstance indicator A or B. For special circumstances codes, some traders are authorised to submit reduced data sets.

SPCIA (for postal and express consignments) and SPC1B (for ship and aircraft supplies). Otherwise, packages are declared as for export declarations.

Description of goods

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
C21, Full, PSA and EXS Goods Description (31) GDS-DESC

This field must be completed.

The goods described in this box must all be subject to the same Binding Tariff Information Reference Number if held for the goods commodity code.

Enter a description of the goods sufficient to identify them. If the goods described here do not comprise the whole contents of a package, enter part case or part container as appropriate. The description of the goods must be the normal trade description expressed in sufficiently precise terms to enable immediate and unambiguous identification and classification. This does not mean copying out the full description as set out in the tariff.

For example, magnesium potassium sulphate (heading 31.04 commodity code 310490000) should be described in those terms and not as other mineral or chemical fertilisers, potassic.

For PSAs, for other than excise goods, if box 33 is completed then an unambiguous description is still needed where the heading is a general catch-all heading. For PSAs and full declarations for excise goods a full description of the goods including container sizes and strength etc must always be provided, for example 1000 c/s Old St Andrews golf ball whisky miniatures 12x5cl at 40%, rotn 232/02.

For Exit Summary Declarations, a full and unambiguous goods description must be supplied if a commodity code is not declared.

For goods re-exported from a customs warehouse or exported from an excise warehouse, the relevant stock numbers must be entered. When the goods are exported from an excise warehouse, which has customs approval to load goods into export container(s), the seal number(s) used to secure the container must be entered in box D (see under box 54 below).

For exports of artificially heated heavy oil, enter both the:

  • quantity of bulk litres
  • temperature and density at the time of measurement

The corresponding quantity in standard litres (see Notice 179) must be entered in box 41.

Package marks, number and kind

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
C21, Full, SDPSA and EXS Package (31), Marks, Number, Kind PKG-MARKS, PKG-COUNT and PKG-KIND for the EXS, package details are not required for specific circumstance indicator A or B

Otherwise packages are declared as for export declarations, identify the packaging that holds the packaging that immediately surrounds the goods, the number of individual items packaged, in such a way that they cannot be divided without first undoing the packing, or number of pieces, if unpackaged.

For example:

  • for beer the packaging might be the crate or carton and not the bottle in which the beer is contained or if the goods are contained immediately within cartons contained on a pallet (eg books), the pallet instead should be declared
  • for a single consignment in one or a number of containers, the containers themselves can be deemed to be the outer packaging

There is only a need to supply the marks and numbers, quantity and container numbers. In effect, in this example, the container number(s) will be the marks need only be entered as container details but with reference to this entered in the marks (for example package kind, CNsee Container Id details entered).

However, where the goods are subject to different duty or VAT rates, for example mixtures of red and white wine or children and adults clothing, the lowest divisible level of packaging must be declared in order to aid identification. So, bottles, wrapping or other packaging will be more appropriate in these examples.

For each kind of package, enter:

  1. Any marks and numbers on the packages. Taking into account the packaging examples given above, where there is one common identifying number for all of the packaging then only this number need be entered. If there is insufficient space to record all the information, create another set of package details with the same kind of packages code. On paper declarations precede the marks and numbers by PM%, for example PM%ABC123.
  2. The quantity of packages, or for unpackaged goods (see UK Trade Tariff: kind of packages codes) the number of pieces. On paper declarations precede the quantity by PN% eg PN%99.
  3. kind of package code. On paper declarations precede the package code by PC% eg PC%AE. On paper declarations if for an item there is more than one set of package marks/number/kind, separate each set of details by a colon.


Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
C21, Full, EXSSD and PSA Contnr Id(31) CNTR-NO

Complete this field if the goods:

  • will be in a container at the point of leaving the EU, enter the container number(s)
  • are containerised but the container number(s) are not yet known then enter ‘number(s) unknown’
  • are not containerised or it is not known whether they are containerised then leave this field blank

To avoid duplication, the container number need only be declared against the first item of a declaration. Where further items on the same declaration are packed into different containers, box 31 will need to show the correct container number at item level.

On paper declarations precede the (list of) container numbers by CN% or, for part containers, by Part Container%, and separate each container number by a comma, for example Part Container%ABCD12345, BCDE234567, WXYZ98765.


The term container covers:

  • large, re-usable containers, for example, ISO types designed to be transported by road, rail, sea, or air
  • smaller re-usable types of containers of an internal volume of a cubic metre or more designed to be transported by road, rail, sea or air and capable of specialized handling without unloading
  • specialized re-usable containers designed to be used for particular goods and transported by road, rail, sea or air
  • goods are to be regarded as containerised even when a container is mounted on a road vehicle or rail wagon

For goods subject to a CAP export refund claim (and in other cases if appropriate), if the container number is not known at the time of submitting the declaration.

For example, because this will only become evident when the goods are loaded, enter the container details on the travelling accompanying document (EAD), that if requested will be produced to customs at the place of exit from the EU.

11.19 Box 32: item number

Declaration types
Paper Full declarations and EXS

Enter (in sequential number order, up to the total declared in box 5) the item number.

11.20 Box 33: commodity code

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element

In most cases, completion of the commodity code is mandatory at export. Where a simplified procedure is used, you may be approved not to supply this data if an adequate goods description is declared. However, it is strongly recommended that the commodity code is always completed as for indirect exports, as this is required if a message is to be passed to another member state.

The inclusion of the code will facilitate a quick release of the goods at the office of exit.

Enter the appropriate commodity code from the UK Trade Tariff applicable to the goods described in box 31. The first 8 digits are to be entered in the first subdivision. The other subdivisions are to be left blank unless the UK Trade Tariff indicates that additional 4-digit code(s) applies, in which case the code(s) must be entered.

When using an EXS, the first 4 characters of the commodity code must be declared if a goods description is not supplied.

For CAP export refund nomenclature purposes the first set of 4 digits is to be used.


Any Binding Tariff Information Reference Number held for the goods described is to be entered in box 44 against document code C626.

For DTI declarations if you wish to delete an item after the declaration has been accepted by CHIEF enter DEL in this field.

There is no need to delete or amend any of the other fields for the item.

11.21 Box 34(a): country origin code

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Full and SD Orig ctry(34a) ITEM-ORIG-CNTRY

Completion of this box is mandatory if a CAP export refund is being claimed. In all other cases it may be left blank.

Enter the original country of origin of the goods. In determining the country of origin, the rules laid down in Article 24 of Council Regulation 2913/92/EEC should be followed.

Article 24 is reproduced below. In cases of doubt, please contact the Rural Payments Agency direct.

Article 24

Goods whose production involved more than one country shall be deemed to originate in the country where they underwent their last, substantial, economically justified processing or working in an undertaking equipped for that purpose and resulting in the manufacture of a new product or representing an important stage of manufacture.

11.22 Box 35: gross mass

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Full, PSA, C21,SD, and EXS Gross mass(35) ITEM-GROSS-MASS

Only to be completed if goods are being re-exported from a customs warehouse.

Enter, where necessary, up to three decimal places, the gross mass in kilograms as given in commercial documents for the goods declared in box 31. The gross mass is the total weight of the goods and packaging but excluding containers and any other transport equipment.

11.23 Box 37: procedure

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
C21, Full, SDPSA and EXS CPC(37) CPC

Enter the appropriate (7 digit) customs procedure code (CPC), using the relevant CPC description to assist completion of the declaration.

On paper declarations, enter the first 4 digits in the first subdivision and the last 3 digits in the second subdivision.


Each CPC is allocated a series number. Only CPCs in the same series are allowed on the same declaration.

All the items on a declaration for removal from warehouse must be subject to the same CPC and from the same warehouse. A separate declaration is required for goods subject to different warehousing CPCs or from different warehouses. The CPC notes explain these restrictions in more detail.

Entry of a CPC in this box constitutes a formal declaration that the conditions of relevant regulations will be complied with and legally binds the declarant accordingly.

11.24 Box 38: net mass

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Full, SD and PSA Net mass(38) ITEM-NET-MASS

Enter, up to 3 decimal places, the net mass in kilograms of the goods described in box 31. The net mass is the weight of the goods themselves without any packaging.

11.25 Box 40: summary declaration/previous document

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
C21, Full, SD and PSA Summary decln/Prev doc (40) PREV-DOC-CLASS, PREV-DOC-TYPE, PREV- DOCREF

This box must always be completed to identity a previous declaration or previous document(s).

A previous declaration, or document, is identified by class, type and reference.

On paper declarations the details are separated with a dash in the format (class-type-reference (eg Z-380-12345).


The codes for the possible classes of document are:

  • document class code
  • summary declaration X
  • initial declaration of goods under simplified procedures Y
  • previous document Z


Find a list of document codes that may be input against each document class.


Enter the reference (for example, identity number) of the declaration or document.

For a SD (box 1(2) % Y or Z) the reference must identify the PSA in the format – ‘date of entry-EPU no-entry no’, where:

  • ‘date of entry’ is in the format yymmdd (year, month, day) of entry in records
  • EPU no’ and ‘entry no’ are from the PSA, and the components are separated by a hyphen (-)


Y-CLE-20070701-120-A12345E for declaring initial declaration details on a supplementary declaration.

Z-380-12345 for a straightforward export of goods, ie Class Z, Type 380 (for an invoice) followed by the invoice number.

11.26 Box 41: supplementary units

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Full, SD and PSA Supp Units(41) ITEM-SUPP-UNITS

Where, in the UK Trade Tariff more than one unit of quantity is shown in column 4 against the commodity code for the item, enter the quantity in terms of the unit numbered 2 in that column up to 3 decimal places if needed.

11.27 Box 44: additional information/documents produced/ certificates and authorisations

Declaration types Screen name

Box 44 data is entered at header level and/or item level, where:

  • header level data applies to the whole declaration
  • item level data applies only to the specific item

There are 2 types of header and item level box 44 data AI and documents.

The term documents includes certificates and authorisations.

Find a list of all the AI codes.

Find a list of all the document codes.

Some AI and document details are entered in specific EDI data elements or screen fields. In this case the AI and document codes are shown on the screen as part of the backdrop.

All other AI statements and document details are entered in the relevant generic structure.

Box 44: header level data header level AI statements

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
C21, Full, SDPSA and EXS AI Statement, Code HDR-AI-STMT-TXT, HDR-AI-STMT

Important and often used AI codes have specific screen and EDI data element names as defined below.

The AI code is not entered electronically, but is given for use on paper declarations. Other header level AI statements are entered in the generic structure.

Find a description of the completion of header level AI statements required for CAP refund purposes.

Transport charges method of payment

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
C21, Full, SDPSA and EXS EDI data element: TRPT-CHGE-MOP

The transport charges method of payment is to be provided where available. It is declared at the header level if it is the same for all items otherwise at the item level.

The codes used are:

  • A – payment in cash
  • B – payment by credit card
  • C – payment by cheque
  • D – other (eg direct debit to cash account)
  • H – electronic credit transfer
  • Y – account holder with carrier
  • Z – not pre-paid

Country (IES) of routing codes

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
C21, Full, SDPSA and EXS EDI data element:

Identify, in a chronological order, the countries through which goods are routed between the country of original departure and final destination. Please don’t include country of export or country of destination in this list as these should be input into box 15a and box17a respectively.

The countries of routing should be provided to the extent known.

Declaration currency

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
C21, Full, SD and PSA Declaration Currency DECLN-CRRN AI code: DCURR

This is only to be entered if the UK joins the euro, otherwise do not enter this information.

Registered consignor

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element AI code
Full, SD and PSA Regd Consignor RCNSGR-EORI number RCONR

Where a foreign company (for example, one not registered in the UK) takes ownership of goods before export, although the foreign company will be responsible for the export (including obtaining customs clearance of the goods) it is the UK company who has to provide evidence of export to justify zero rating the supply for VAT purposes.

In these situations, to help the UK trader in obtaining this evidence of export, enter the UK traders EORI number (without any GB prefix) in this field.


Declaration types Screen name EDI data element AI code

If the premises code in box 49 (PREM-ID) is that of a UK allocated warehouse or Free Zone, don’t complete a PREMS AI Statement.

Insert the full name and address of the premises when:

  • box 49 (PREM-ID) does not identify a UK allocated warehouse or Free Zone
  • otherwise directed by customs

Box 49 (PREM-ID) is not applicable to C21.

Supervising office

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element AI code


If a premises (see above) name and address has been provided then the name and address of the customs office (or other office, as directed by customs) responsible for supervising the goods at those premises is also to be provided.

SPOFF data should only be completed on a C21 when directed by customs.

Header level Documents

Declaration types Screen name
C21, Full, SD and PSA Code, St, Document Reference, Part, Quantity,


EDI data elements

These are mostly set out on screens in a generic structure. For each document code, dependent on definition in the tariff, (customs procedure, commodity or elsewhere for example a licence) a status code, document reference, part, quantity and reason are entered as required.

Find details to be supplied for each document code along with permitted status codes and whether a reason has to be given.

Important and often used documents have specific screen and EDI data element names, as set out below. The document code is given for use on paper declarations are as above.

For each document, a status code and a document reference will usually have to be provided. The status code identifies the availability and reason for not supplying a document or the action to be taken with the document. For some status codes a document reference does not have to be entered.

DUCR and DUCR Part suffix

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element Document code

Since the introduction of NES, trader reference based DUCRs are required in the UK. It is important that traders enter their own declaration UCR numbers into box 44 as these are recognised across the EU and remove the requirement to enter additional references into box 7.

When printing an EAD the DUCR number in box 44 should be printed into box 7 of the paper EAD.

DUCR and the optional part must be unique and must comply with the rules and be in a certain format.

Couriers and fast parcel operators, authorised under the MOU arrangements must supply a DUCR Part.

The declaration of a DUCR Part also enables CHIEF to detect duplicates and so identify potential problems at an early stage.

On supplementary declarations enter the related DUCR Part(s) for the linked PSA(s). If a SD covers more than one PSA, use the DUCR of first PSA as the DUCR Part for the supplementary declaration. The DUCR Parts of each of the other PSAs are to be declared as separate 9DCS documents.

Master unique consignment reference (MUCR)

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element Document code
C21, Full and PSA Mastr UCR MASTER-UCR 9MCR (no Status code required)

This field should only be completed according to the commercial rules for that type of traffic and/or location. It is typically used for groupage/consolidated consignments. For example, in the air environment would normally be the Master/Simple Air Waybill number or for approved courier traffic the CBV (Courier Baggage Voucher) reference.

If in doubt leave this field blank.

The structures for MUCRs are:

  • GB/i..i-s..s Master UCR allocated or required by a CSP or consolidators inventory system
  • GB/tttttttttttt-u..u Master UCR which is not a DEP or CSP inventory MUCR
  • A:a..a Master UCR based on the Master Airwaybill number C:p..p Master UCR for courier traffic where:
    • i..i 3 or 4 character Inventory system identity allocated by customs to a CSP or a consolidator
    • s..s Inventory consignment reference of at least 5 characters
    • tttttttttttt traders EORI number
    • u..u trader reference of at least 1 character
    • a..a Master Airwaybill number of 11 characters (3 alpha or 3 numeric followed by exactly 8 numeric) p..p reference as agreed for courier traffic (3 alpha followed by at least 3 alphanumeric characters) and GB, A, C, /, : and-are literal values


The rules about what other characters are allowed in a MUCR are the same as for DUCR, for example restricted to numbers, upper case letters and certain special characters viz. 0 to 9, A to Z, -, ( and ).

If a MUCR is entered, then a CHIEF AEAC message must also be submitted to shut the consolidation once all the declarations have been associated with the MUCR.

11.28 Box 44: item level data

Item level AI Statements

Declaration types Screen names EDI data elements
C21, Full, SDPSA and EXS AI Statement, Code ITEM-AI-STMT-TXT, ITEM-AI-STMT

Important and often used AI codes have specific screen and EDI data element names as defined below.

The AI code is not entered but is given for use on paper declarations.

Transport charges method of payment

Only declared at item level if multiple items.

UN dangerous goods code

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element

The UN dangerous goods code must be declared when relevant.

The codes are available on the UN Economic Commission for Europe web site.

Third quantity

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element AI code
Full, SD and PSA Third Quantity ITEM-THRD-QTY THRDQ

Only required for certain commodity codes, if the UK Trade Tariff requires a third quantity in litres, record the number of litres for that item of the declaration. If no third quantity is required this field should be omitted.

Supervising office

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element AI code

To be completed either:

  • when a CPC requires details of the customs office responsible for supervising the goods or controlling the customs procedure
  • when otherwise instructed by customs if a central UK customs office is responsible for control of the procedure, then only that office’s name need be supplied, for example ‘NIRU’ – in all other cases the full name and address (street, city, postcode and country code) of the relevant supervising office is to be provided

Item level Documents

Declaration types Screen names EDI data elements
C21, Full, SD and PSA Code, St, Document Reference, Part, Quantity, Reason ITEM-DOC-CODE, ITEM-DOC-STATUS, ITEM- DOCREF, ITEM-DOC-PART, ITEM-DOC-QTY, ITEM-DOC-REASON

These are mostly set out on screens in a generic structure. For each document code a status code, document reference, part, quantity and reason are entered as required.

Find details to be supplied for each document code along with permitted status codes and whether a reason has to be given.

Important and often used documents have specific screen and EDI data element names, as set out below. The document code for use on paper declarations is as above.

For each document, a status code and a document reference will usually have to be provided. The status code identifies the availability and reason for not supplying a document or the action to be taken with the document. For some status codes a document reference does not have to be entered.

For each document enter the relevant document code and follow with a dash (-).

Except for the some special purpose document codes (often with data entered in specific elements/fields) a status code will have to be provided. The status code identifies the availability and reason for not supplying a document or the action to be taken with the document.

Find a full list of status codes.

Except for some document codes and status values, a reference is always entered.

For goods identified by a commodity code that covers some goods that are subject to a documentary requirement (for example, a licence) and others that are not-referred to as ‘ex-heading goods’, then enter status code ‘XX’ if the actual goods do not require the document.

Enter the part and quantity as required for the particular document. For example, some licences cover many products each identified by a line number, which is declared in the part field.

Enter a reason if required by the status of the document.

Below are some details of how to declare some common types of documents. Others are detailed in the relevant CPCs.

Customs’ schemes

Authorisation to use a customs procedure with economic impact/end-use. Aircraft spare parts depots.

Customs’ schemes are declared as the document reference for a document declaration using the document code identified in the table below for the scheme.

Description Document Code
IP IP (Inward Processing) C601
OP OPR (Outward Processing Relief) C019
OT OPT (Outward Processing Trade in textiles) Y009
EU End Use Relief N990
TA Relief under Temporary Admission N990

If 2 procedures apply (for example OPR and IP) the details for both are to be entered.

The supervising office name and address must be declared. Only the name ‘NIRU’ need be entered for a simplified authorisation.

The document reference has the format – ‘customs scheme’/’supervising office’/’reference/’year’, where:

  • ‘customs scheme’ is the relevant procedure using the appropriate code
  • ‘supervising office’ is the 4-digit customs unit code for the supervising office or ‘9999’ for a simplified authorisation
  • ‘reference’ is the 3-digit authorisation reference allocated by the supervising office or “999” for a simplified authorisation
  • ‘year’ is the 2-digit year of authorisation or ‘99’ for a simplified authorisation

For example: ‘IP/0120/123/07’ for a full authorisation, or ‘OP/9999/999/99’ for a simplified authorisation.


The types of licences that can be declared for exports are identified in the following tables along with the document code that must be used to declare the licence.

Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform

Dual use goods

Licence type Document code
Open General Export Licence OGE
Union General Export authorisation GEA
Open Individual Export Licence OIE
Standard Individual Export Licence SIE X002
Contract Licence CLA X001

Military goods, or dual use goods subject to national control

Licence type Document code
Open General Export Licence OGE
Open Individual Export Licence OIE
Standard Individual Export Licence SIE 9104
Standard Individual Transhipment Licence SIT 9104

Radioactive sources

Licence type Document code
Open General Transhipment Licence OGT 9105
Open General Export Licence OGE
Open Individual Export Licence OIE
Standard Individual Export Licence SIE 9105

Torture equipment

Licence type Document code
Standard Individual Export Licence SIE 9106

RPA Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) export licences and certificates

An RPA Registration Number will also have to be provided against box 44 Header AI code ‘RPTID’.

Licence, type, Document code
Mandatory CAP export licence issued in UK or another EU member state which may also act as an AFC. CAP X001
Refund Certificate for Non-Annex 1 goods. NAI C649

Other government department licences and certificates

Licence type Document code
DCMS open general export licence: UK CEX 9107 and EU 9108
DCMS UK cultural goods
licence (Form C)
CEX 9107
DCMS (or EU issued) EU cultural goods X018
Licence (Form C or EU licence) CEX 9108
DEFRA (or EU issued)-CITES export (or re-export) permit ECP X006
DEFRA ozone depleting substance export authorisation (number quoted) EOD X003
DEFRA export waste permit
reference identification number for dangerous chemicals
EWP C650
ECM Y915
Home Office open individual export licence for drugs precursor chemicals HOO 9111
Home Office individual export licence for controlled drugs (i.e. one exporter, one consignment) HCB 9113
Home Office open individual export licence for controlled drugs (i.e. one exporter, multiple consignments) HCE 9114
Home Office individual export licence for drugs precursor chemicals HOA 9112
Animal health certificate EHC X001
Certificate of conformity (fruit & vegetables) EQC N002
Processing certificate (fruit and veg) EQP C633
Kimberley diamond process certificate EKM C034
Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing regulation catch certificate (IUU) C673
Toothfish catch document (EU regulation on a specific type of fish) ETF C656

A licence is declared as a document with the code given in the above tables for the particular licence type being declared.

A status code and a document reference must always be declared. The document reference is currently required when the status identifies that a particular licence is not to be supplied (X-series status codes). This is to identify the licence type because the document code is not currently sufficient to identify. Other details that can be declared for a document depend on the status and the licence.

Status code

Enter the appropriate status code from the table below. The status must be permitted for the licence type and the commodity.

Find a list of status code definitions.

Find a list of other permitted status codes for the document being declared.

Form of Licence:

  • paper (held by trader)
  • electronic
  • attached not attached
  • held by issuing
  • authority
  • part attribution, ie licence still valid and will be used in future

Includes OGELs (Open General Export Licence):

  • EP
  • AP
  • UP
  • IP

Surrendered, where licence still valid but will not be used in future:

  • ES
  • AS
  • US
  • IS

Exhausted, where there’s nil balance:

  • EE
  • AE
  • UE
  • IE

Already attributed on simplified declaration:

  • EA
  • JA
  • UA
  • IA

AFC/RC status to be advised:

  • XA

Below de minimus:

  • XB

Waiver claimed:

  • XW

Goods covered by the commodity code do not require a licence (ex-heading):

  • XX

In circumstances where some goods covered by the declared commodity code require a licence and others do not (ex-heading), then AI code LIC99 can be declared instead of the ‘XX’ status when the licence does not apply to the goods.

Document reference

Enter the document reference. The document reference for a licence is in the format – ‘country code licence type, licence identifier, country code’.

Do not enter any separator or space between the 3 parts. The licence identifier is not supplied when the status identifies that a particular licence is not being declared.

For all UK government department/agency issued licences/AFCs/permits including those which were originally issued in another member state but which were subsequently reissued – including any ‘extracts’ by a UK government department/agency) enter ‘GB’

For licences issued in another member state enter the relevant country code, for example for France enter ‘FR’.

Licence type (as identified above).

Licence identifier – enter the licence identifier allocated by the issuing authority. If the licence does not have a reference, enter the title of the licence. A licence identifier is not supplied when the status identifies that a particular licence is not being declared (for example, status code is in the X-series).


Some licences cover many products with each one defined as a line. The document part field is used to identify the line number when required. If omitted, it defaults to 1 and the attribution applies to the first (or only) line of the licence.


For licences monitored by a quantity enter the quantity in the units specified for the licence (line), for example if the licence (line) is specified in kilograms enter a quantity in (or converted to) kilograms.

For licences monitored by value the value (converted into the relevant currency if necessary) declared in box 46 (statistical value) will be used to attribute the licence.


A reason must be supplied for some status values.


  • 9110– [AE] GBEWP234567 Q%123.456
  • X018– [UP] GBCEX “eaten by dog-replacement in the post”

11.29 Box 46: statistical value

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Full, SD and PSA Stat Value (46) ITEM-STAT-VAL-DC

Where required by the CPC or in support of a document such as a licence monitored by value enter the statistical value for the item – in terms of the declaration currency, currently £ sterling (see box 44).

The value to be declared is the cost of the goods to the purchaser abroad (or, if there is no sale, the price the goods would fetch if sold to a purchaser abroad), it should include packing, inland and coastal transport in the UK, dock dues, loading charges and all other costs, profits, charges and expenses.

For example, insurance and commission accrued up to the point where the goods are deposited on board the exporting vessel or aircraft. Outward sea/air freight and marine/air insurance should be excluded, and any cash or trade discounts to the purchaser abroad should be deducted.

For goods re-exported after process or repair in the UK, the value to be declared must include the charge for the process and the value of the goods when imported.

For authorised couriers and fast parcel operators who have signed a MoU, on ‘low value’ supplementary declarations enter the total value of all consignments exported under these arrangements, on non-statistical declarations this field can be left blank.

11.30 Box 47: calculation of taxes

Declaration types Screen name:
Full and SD

Each tax line requires up to 5 fields to be completed as set out below.

Calculation of taxes (47)

11.31 Box 47a: type

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Full and SD Type TTY-CODE

For a CAP Export Refund claim enter tax type “350”. In all other cases leave blank.

11.32 Box 47b: tax base

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
At present, there is no requirement to complete this field. Base amount and Base Quantity ITLN-BASE-AMT-DC, ITLN-BASE-QTY

11.33 Box 47c: rate

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
At present, there is no requirement to complete this field. Rate TAX-RATE-ID

11.34 Box 47c: override code

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
At present, there is no requirement to complete this field. Ovr TTY-OVR-CODE

11.35 Box 47d: amount

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
At present, there is no requirement to complete this field Amount ITLN-DECL-TAX-DC

If a claim to a CAP Export Refund is made then CHIEF screens and reports will show an estimate of the amount of potential CAP.

Export refund. This does not constitute a statement or guarantee that this is what will be paid, it is a figure provided for information only and does not take into account various factors about the circumstances of the export. The final amount to be paid (if any) is entirely a matter for the RPA.

11.36 Box 47e: method of payment

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element

For a CAP export refund claim and where you are submitting a refund claim for the sole purpose of releasing security on a CAP export licence, enter method of payment code ‘L’. In all other cases leave blank.

11.37 Box 48: deferred payment

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
At present there is no requirement to complete this field. DAN (48) FIR-DAN, FIR-DAN-PFX

11.38 Box 49: warehouse

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Full, SD and PSA Premise Id (49) PREM-ID

This box must always be completed if the goods are being exported from a warehouse or being placed in a warehouse so that a CAP export refund can be claimed. The warehouse must have been approved by one of the EU member states. In all other circumstances leave blank.

When a non-UK code is declared, the full name and address of the premises must also be input to box 44 as a PREMS AI statement.

Enter the identity of the warehouse/free zone, which is in 3 parts:

  • type
  • reference
  • country code

Do not enter any separator or space between the 3 parts.


Enter, as appropriate, one of the following codes for warehouse class type:

  • customs warehouses – A to E if using an authorisation issued under the Community Customs Code or R or U if your authorisation has been re assessed under the Union Customs Code as appropriate
  • excise warehouses – Y


Enter the reference allocated to the approval by the authorising country. In the UK:

  • customs warehouses have a 7 digit reference
  • excise warehouses have a 13 digit reference
  • the free zones have a 7 digit reference beginning with 006 – Isle of Man

Country code

Enter the country code for the EU country, which issued the warehouse reference

For UK warehouses the code is ‘GB’.

An example of a customs warehouse identity is ‘A1234567GB’ or ‘R 23 4567GB’.

An example of an excise warehouse identity is ‘YGB00001234567GB’, where:

  • Y is the warehouse type (see above)
  • GB00001234567 is the 13 character excise warehouse reference
  • GB is country code

If the warehouse identity is not a UK allocated code (prefixed by ‘GB’), the premises name and address must be supplied as an AI statement (see box 44).

11.39 Box 50: principal’s representative

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
Full and PSA Repr (50), Name, City REPR-NAME, REPR-CITY

Optionally to be completed if the goods are being exported via another EU country. Insert the name and city of the representative who is responsible for dealing with customs clearance at the office of exit.

11.40 Box 54: place and date, signature and name of the declarant or representative

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
C21 and Full None None

Only completed on paper declarations.

Where the declarant is completing the declaration themselves under ‘self representation’, they shall be liable for the content of all declaration so completed and submitted.

The declaration must be signed according to the following rules. If the consignor is:

  • an individual, by that individual or an employee who has been authorised in writing
  • a partnership, by one of the partners, or one of their employees authorised in writing by a partner
  • a company incorporated in the UK under the Companies Act, by a director or the secretary, or an employee of the corporation authorised in writing by a director or the secretary
  • a corporation incorporated in the UK by statute, by a person authorised by law to sign for the corporation, or an employee of the corporation authorised in writing by such a person
  • a foreign firm or company, or a corporation incorporated abroad by statute, by a person authorised by the law of the country in which the firm or company, is established or an employee of the corporation authorised in writing by such a person

Alternatively the declaration may be signed on behalf of the consignor by any firm, company or individual to whom the consignor has given the authority to act as a declarant for customs purposes.

The manner of the authorisation is a matter of arrangement between consignor and their representative but, in giving authority to a representative, the consignor will be assumed to have given authority to the clerks and servants authorised by the representative to carry out all of the consignor’s customs business.

Customs may at any time require evidence that a representative has been authorised by a consignor to sign declarations on the consignor’s behalf.

If the representative is acting under direct representation, enter:

  • the place at which the declaration was made and the date
  • the name of the declarant
  • ‘pp’ or ‘by’ the name of the representative
  • handwritten signature/or approved electronic equivalent of the person completing the form
  • full name of the person completing the form
  • status of the person completing the form (eg director, clerk)

If the representative is acting under indirect representation, enter:

  • the place at which the declaration was made and the date
  • the name of the representative
  • the handwritten signature/or approved electronic equivalent of the person completing the form
  • the full name of the person completing the form
  • the status of the person completing the form (eg director, clerk)

It’s important that the telephone number of the signatory is entered as well. Some enquiries can be resolved by a telephone call which otherwise could involve delays in document processing and export clearance.

In signing box 54 a legal declaration is being made that the details entered on the form and any continuation sheets are true and complete and that the requirements of any national or EC legislation have been met.

Individual liability will rest with the signatory within the company for the use of that credential. If there is to be a change of person who will act as signatory, this must be notified immediately to customs in writing, whereupon its records will be updated.

Box D: control by office of departure

Declaration types Screen name EDI data element
C21, Full, SD and PSA Seal(D) SEAL-ID

Enter, as required by the box 31 or box 37 completion rules, the identities of any seals applied to the containers or trailers or rail wagons.

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