Explanatory Notes for completion of CVEDP (Animal Products)
Updated 04/09/2019 Page 1
Notes for guidance for the CVEDP certificate
Complete the certificate in capitals. Where there is an option to delete a box or it is not relevant,
clearly deface or cross out the whole numbered box. To indicate positively any option, tick or mark
the sign.
This certificate is to be completed for all consignments presented to a border inspection post,
whether they are for consignments presented as meeting EU requirements and are for free
circulation, consignments that will be subject to channelling or those consignments not meeting EU
conditions an destined for transhipment, transit, or their placing in free zones, free warehouses or
customs warehouses or for ships suppliers (chandlers). Channelling refers to consignments accepted
under the conditions laid down in Article 8 of Directive 97/78/EC but that remain under veterinary
control until a specified final destination is reached, usually for further treatment.
ISO codes where indicated, refer to the international standard two letter code for any country.
This section (Boxes 1-23) is for completion by the declaration or person responsible for the load as
defined in Article 2(2)(e) of Directive 97/78/EC.
Notes are shown against the relevant box number
Box 1. Consignor/exporter: Indicate the commercial organisation despatching the
consignment (in the third country).
Box 2. Border inspection post. If this information is not pre-printed on the document, please
complete. The CVED reference number is the unique reference number given by the
border inspection post issuing the certificate (repeated in box 25). The TRACES unit
number is unique to the border inspection post and is listed against its name on the
list of approved border inspection posts published in the Official Journal.
Box 3. Consignee: Indicate the address of the person or commercial organisation given on
the third-country certificate. If this is not present on the certificate, the consignee in
relevant commercial documents may be used.
Box 4. Person responsible for the load (also agent or declarant): This is the person defined
in Article 2(2)(e) of Directive 97/78/EC, who is in charge of the consignment when
presented to the border inspection post and makes the necessary declarations to the
competent authorities on behalf of the importer: give the name and address.
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Box 5. Importer: The importer may be remote from the actual border inspection post: give
the name and address. If the importer and agent are the same indicate ‘As box 4’.
Box 6. Country of origin: This refers to where the final product was produced, manufactured
or packaged.
Box 7. Country from where consigned: This refers to the country where the consignment
was placed aboard the means of final transport for the journey to the EU.
Box 8. Include the delivery address in the EU. This applies both to conforming (Box 19) and
to non-conforming (Box 22) products.
Box 9. Give the estimated date that consignments are expected to arrive at the border
inspection post.
Box 10. Veterinary certificate/document: Date of issue: The date that the
certificate/document was signed by the official veterinarian or the competent
authority. Number: Give the unique official number of the certificate. For products
from an approved or registered establishment or vessel, indicate the name and
approval/registration number where appropriate. For embryos, ova or semen straws
give an identity number of the approved collection team.
Box 11. Give full details of the means of arrival transport: for aircraft the flight number and
air waybill number, for vessels the ship name and bill of lading number, for road
vehicles the registration number plate with trailer number if appropriate, for railways
the train identity and wagon number.
Box 12. Nature of the goods: Indicate the species of animal, the treatment undergone by the
products and the number and type of packages that comprise the load, e.g. 50 boxes
of 2 kg, or the number of containers. Tick the appropriate transport temperature.
Box 13. CN code: Give as a minimum the first four digits of the relevant Combined
Nomenclature (CN) code established pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) No
2658/87 as last amended. These codes are also listed in Commission Decision
2002/349/EC (and are equivalent to the HS headings). In the case of fishery products
only, where there is one certificate with one consignment having contents with more
than one commodity code, the additional codes may be annotated onto the CVED as
Box 14. Gross weight: Overall weight in kg. This is defined as the aggregate mass of the
products with immediate containers and all their packaging, but excluding transport
containers and other transport equipment.
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Box 15. Net weight: Weight of actual product excluding packaging in kg. This is defined as the
mass of the products themselves without immediate containers or any packaging.
Use units where a weight is inappropriate, e.g. 100 semen straws of X ml or 3
biological strains/embryos.
Box 16. Give all seal and container identification numbers where relevant.
Box 17. Transhipment: Use where a consignment is not to be imported at this border
inspection post but is to travel onward in another vessel or aircraft either for
importation into the EU at a second and subsequent border inspection post in the
Community/EEA, or for a third-country destination. TRACES unit number — see Box 2.
Box 18. Transit: For consignments that do not conform to EU requirements and are destined
for a third country by movement across the relevant EU/EEA State by road, rail or
waterway transport.
Exit BIP: Name of the border inspection post where the products are to leave the EU.
TRACES unit number — see Box 2.
Box 19. Conforming products: All products that will be presented for free circulation in the
internal market including those that are acceptable but will be subjected to a
‘channelling procedure’ and those that after receiving veterinary clearance as
acceptable for free circulation, may be stored under customs control, and receive
customs clearance at a later stage, either at the customs office on which the border
inspection post is geographically dependent, or at another location.
Non-conforming products: Those products not meeting EU requirements and that
are for free zones, free warehouses, customs warehouses, ship chandlers or ships or
transit to a third country.
Box 20. Reimport refers to consignments of EU origin that have been refused acceptance or
entry to a third country, and are being returned to the establishment of origin in the
Box 21. Internal market: This is for consignments that are being presented for distribution in
the single market. Tick the category for which the consignment is being presented.
This also applies to those consignments that after receiving veterinary clearance as
acceptable for free circulation, may be stored under customs control, and receive
customs clearance at a later stage, either at the customs office on which the border
inspection post is geographically dependent, or at another location.
Box 22. Complete this box for all non-conforming products where the consignment will be
delivered and stored under veterinary control in a free zone, a free warehouse, a
customs warehouse or a ship supplier (chandler).
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NB: Boxes 18 and 22 refer to veterinary procedures only.
Box 23. Signature: This commits the signatory also to accepting back consignments in transit
that are refused entry by a third country.
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PART 2 This section is for completion by the official veterinarian or designated official agent (as in
Decision 93/352/EEC) only. For Boxes 38 to 41 use a colour other than black.
Box 24. Previous CVED: If there has been a previous CVED issued, indicate the serial number
of this certificate.
Box 25. This refers to the unique reference number given by the border inspection post
issuing the certificate and is as in box 2.
Box 26. Documentary check. To be completed for all consignments.
Box 27. Tick ‘seal check’ where containers are not opened and the seal only is checked according to
Article 4(4)(a)(i) of Directive 97/78/EC.
Box 28. Physical checks:
Reduced checks refers to the regime laid down in Commission Decision
94/360/EEC where the consignment has not been selected for a physical check but is
considered checked satisfactorily with documentary and identity check only.
‘Other’ refers to: reimport procedure, channelled goods, transhipment,
transit or Article 12 and 13 procedures. These destinations can be deduced from other boxes.
Box 29. Complete with the category of substance or pathogen for which an investigation
procedure is undertaken. ‘Random’ indicates sampling where the consignment is not
detained pending a result, in which case the competent authority of destination must be
notified by TRACES message (see Article 8 of Directive 97/78/EC). ‘Suspicion’ includes cases
where the consignment has been detained pending a favourable result, or tested because of
a previous notification from the rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF), or tested
because of a safeguard measure in operation.
Box 30. Complete where relevant for acceptability for transhipment. Use where a consignment
is not to be imported at this border inspection post but is to travel onward in another vessel
or aircraft either for importation into the EU at a second and subsequent border inspection
post in the Community/EEA, or for a third-country destination. See Article 9 of Directive
97/78/EC and Commission Decision 2000/25/EC (1). TRACES unit number — see Box 2.
Box 31. Transit: Complete when it is acceptable to send consignments that do not conform to EU
requirements to a third country across the EU/relevant EEA State by road, rail or waterway
transport. This must be carried out under veterinary control in accordance with the
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requirements of Article 11 of Directive 97/78/EC and Decision 2000/208/EC.
Box 32. This box is to be used for all consignments approved for free circulation within the single
market. (It should also be used for consignments that meet EU requirements but for financial
reasons are not being customs cleared immediately at the border inspection post, but are
being stored under customs control in a customs warehouse or will be customs cleared later
and/or at a geographically separate destination.)
Boxes 33/34 Are to be used where consignments cannot be accepted for release for free circulation under
veterinary rules, but are considered higher risk and are to be sent under veterinary and
customs control to one of the controlled destinations provided for in Directive 97/78/EC.
Acceptance for free zones, free warehouses and customs warehouses can only be granted
when requirements laid down in Article 12(4) of Directive 97/78/EC are fulfilled.
Box 33. For use where consignments are accepted but must be channelled to a specific
destination laid down in Articles 8 or 15 of Directive 97/78/EC.
Box 34. Use for all non-conforming consignments destined to be moved to or stored in
warehouses approved in accordance with Article 12(4) or to operators authorised
pursuant to Article 13 of Directive 97/78/EC.
Box 35. Indicate clearly when import is refused, the subsequent process to be carried out.
Give the date for completion of the action proposed. The address of any
transformation establishment should be entered in box 37. After rejection or a
decision for transformation, the date for further action should be also recorded in the
‘follow-up action register’.
Box 36. Reasons for refusal: For use as appropriate to add relevant information. Tick the
appropriate box. Item 7 is for hygiene failure not covered by 8 or 9, including
temperature control irregularities, putrefaction or dirty products.
Box 37. Give approval number and address (or ship name and port) for all destinations where
further veterinary control of the consignment is required i.e. for boxes 33:
Channelling; 34: Warehouse procedure; 35: Transformation or destruction.
Box 38. Use this box when the original seal recorded on a consignment is destroyed on
opening the container. A consolidated list of all seals that have been used for this
purpose should be kept.
Box 39. Put here the official stamp of the border inspection post or competent authority.
Box 40. Signature of the veterinarian, or in case of ports handling fish only, of the designated
official agent as laid down in Decision 93/352/EC.
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Box 41. This box to be used by the transit border inspection post of exit from the EU when
consignments are sent in transit across the EU and are checked outwards as laid
down in Decision 2000/208/EC. In the absence of transit, this box may be used
alternatively for additional comments as appropriate regarding e.g. non-removal of
vertebral column or fees paid.
Box 42. For use by customs services to add relevant information (e.g. for the number of the
customs T1 or T5 certificate) where consignments remain under customs control for a
while. This information is normally added after signature by the veterinarian.
Box 43. For use when the original CVED certificate must remain at any one location and
further ‘daughter’ CVED certificates must be issued.

Explanatory Notes for completion of CVEDA (Live Animals)
Updated 04/09/2019 Page 1
Notes for guidance for the CVED(A) certificate
Please complete the certificate in capitals. To confirm an option, tick the box or mark with a
cross (X).
A separate document must be completed for each consignment presented at a border
inspection post, whether the consignment is presented as meeting EU requirements and
intended for free circulation, a consignment that is to go to a controlled destination or a
consignment for transhipment or transit.
ISO codes where indicated, refer to the international standard two letter code for any country.
This part must be completed by the importer or the person responsible for the load. Prior
notification must be given at least one working day before the arrival of the animals on
Community territory in accordance with Article 3(1)(a) of Directive 91/496/EEC. For this
purpose boxes 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 and one or other of boxes 18, 19 or 20 must be
Notes are shown against the relevant box number
Box 1. Consignor/exporter: Give the name of the commercial organisation
despatching the consignment (in the third country).
Box 2. Border inspection post. If this information is not pre-printed on the
document, please complete. The CVED reference number is the unique
reference number given by the border inspection post issuing the certificate
(also appears in Box 27). The TRACES unit number is unique to the border
inspection post and is listed against its name on the list of approved border
inspection posts published in the Official Journal.
Box 3. Consignee: Indicate the address of the person or commercial organisation
given on the third-country certificate. All these details are compulsory.
Box 4. Person responsible for the load (including their agent or declarant): This is
the person who is in charge of the consignment when presented at the
border inspection post and who makes the necessary declarations to the
competent authorities on behalf of the importer: give the name and
address. This person is required to notify the border inspection post in
accordance with Article 3(1)(a) of Directive 91/496/EEC. If the person
Explanatory Notes for completion of CVEDA (Live Animals)
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responsible for the load and the consignee are the same person, indicate
‘see box 3’.
Box 5. Country of origin: This means the country in which the animals spent the
requisite period (three months in the case of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and
equidae intended for slaughter, breeding, store or registered equidae, and
poultry; six months in the case of breeding and store cattle and pigs; sheep
and goats for breeding, store or fattening).
For horses re-entering, ‘country of origin’ means the country from which
they were last consigned.
Box 6. Region in which the animals spent the same period as specified for the
country: this is a requirement only for those countries which are divided
into regions and for which imports are authorised only from one or more
parts of the country concerned. The regional codes are given in the relevant
Box 7. Importer: The importer may be remote from the border inspection post:
give the name and address. If the importer and person responsible for the
load are the same, indicate ‘see box 4’.
Box 8. Place of destination: Place to where the animals are being taken for final
unloading (i.e. not counting staging points) and kept in accordance with the
current rules. Give the name, country, address and post code. If the place of
destination is the same as the location of the consignee, indicate as the
name and address ‘see box 3’.
Box 9. Give the date and time when consignments are expected to arrive at the
border inspection post. Importers or their representatives are required
(pursuant to Article 3(1)(a) of Directive 91/496/EEC) to give one working
day’s notice to the veterinary staff of the border inspection post where the
animals are to be presented, specifying the number, nature and expected
time of arrival of the animals.
Box 10. Veterinary certificate/document: Date of issue: The date that the
certificate/document was signed by the official veterinarian or the
competent authority. Number: Give the unique official number of the
certificate. Accompanying documents: this mainly concerns certain types of
horses (horse passport), zootechnical documents or CITIES permits.
Box 11. Give details of the means of transport upon arrival: The mode of transport
(air, maritime, rail, road). Identification of the means of transport: for
transport by air, the flight number; for maritime transport, the name of the
Explanatory Notes for completion of CVEDA (Live Animals)
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vessel; for rail transport, the number of the train and the wagon and for
road transport, the registration number of the road vehicle and the number
of the trailer where used. Commercial document reference: the airway bill
number, the bill of lading number or the commercial number of the train or
road vehicle.
Box 12. Species: State the species of animal by giving the common name and breed
where appropriate. For non-domestic animals (in particular those destined
for zoos, exhibitions or research institutes) give the scientific name.
Box 13. CN code: Give as a minimum the first four digits of the relevant Combined
Nomenclature (CN) code established pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC)
No 2658/87 as last amended.
Box 14. Number of animals: The number or weight in kg as stated on the veterinary
certificate or other documents.
Box 15. Number of packages: Give the number of boxes, cages or stalls in which the
animals are being transported.
Box 16. Animals certified as: as indicated on the certificate in accordance with the
rules laid down.
‘Body approved pursuant to Directive 92/65/EEC’ means an officially
recognised body, institute or centre. ‘Quarantine’ refers to Decision
2000/666/EC for birds and Directive 92/65/EC for birds, cats and dogs.
‘Relaying’ applies to molluscs. ‘Other’ means for purposes not listed
elsewhere in this classification.
Box 17. Give all seal and container identification numbers where relevant.
Box 18. For transhipment:
Use this box, in accordance with Article 4(3) of Directive 91/496/EEC, where
a consignment is not to be imported at this border inspection post and the
animals are continuing their journey by sea or by air on the same vessel or
in the same aircraft, to another border inspection post for import into the
European Union or the European Economic Area Unit number. See Box 2.
This box may also be used where animals arrive in the European Union or
the European Economic Area from a third country on their way to another
third country on board the same aircraft or maritime vessel.
Box 19. For transit: this means transit through the EU/EEA of animals from a third
country and destined for another third country in accordance with article 9
of Directive 91/496/EEC. Give the ISO code of the third country of
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Exit BIP: Name of the border inspection post where the animals are to leave
the EU.
Box 20. For import or temporary admission:
Re-entry applies only to registered horses for racing, competition and
cultural events after temporary export (Commission Decision 93/195/EEC)
Temporary admission applies only to registered horses, for a maximum
period of 90 days. Indicate the point and date of exit.
Box 21. Transit Member States: Additional information: give the name(s) of the
Member State(s) of the EU or the EEA irrespective of destination, import or
transit to a third country.
Box 22. Means of transport: State the mode of transport to be used after the
consignment has passed through the BIP and give details.
‘Other’ means modes of transport not covered by Directive 91/628/EEC
which deals with the welfare of animals during transport.
Box 23.
Box 24.
Box 25.
Transporter: In accordance with animal welfare rules, give the transporter’s
approval number and in the case of air transport please ensure that the
company is a member of IATA.
Route Plan: State whether a route plan is presented to accompany the
animals in accordance with the requirements of Directive 91/628/EEC.
Signature: This commits the signatory also to accepting back consignments
in transit that are refused entry by a third country.
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This section must be completed only by the official veterinarian of the border inspection post.
Box 26. Documentary Check: To be completed for all consignments. This also
includes checking compliance with the additional guarantees (which will be
listed) for some Member States and, as regards species not listed in Annex A
to Directive 90/425/EEC, this includes compliance with national
requirements regardless of the final destination. The documentation
required for this check will be provided by the importer or the importer’s
representative. Non-compliance with an additional guarantee requirement
or with a national requirement means that the consignment is not
Box 27. This refers to the unique reference number of the border inspection post
issuing the certificate, see Box 2).
Box 28. Identity check: Compare with the original certificates and documents.
Derogation: Tick box where animals are being transhipped from one BIP to
another and will not have undergone an identity check pursuant to Article
4(3) of Directive 91/496/EEC.
Box 29. Physical checks: These refer to the results of the clinical examination
undertaken, mortality and morbidity in the consignment.
Derogation: Tick this box where animals are being transhipped from one BIP
to another and will not have undergone a physical check pursuant to Article
4(3) of Directive 91/496/EEC. This box must also be used for species of
animal not listed in Annex A to Directive 90/425/EEC imported at a BIP of a
Member State which is not the final destination and for which the physical
checks must be carried out at the place of final destination in accordance
with Article 8 (A)(1)(b)(ii) of Directive 91/496/EEC.
Box 30. Laboratory testing:
Tested for: State the category of substance or pathogen for which an investigation
procedure is undertaken.
‘random’ indicates random sampling pursuant to Decision 97/794/EC.
‘suspicion’ includes cases where animals are suspected of having a disease or show
signs of disease or are tested under safeguard clauses in force
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‘pending’ tick if the animals have not been released pending results.
Box 31. Welfare check: Describe the transport conditions and the welfare status of the
animals on arrival.
Derogation: Tick this box where animals are being transhipped from one BIP to
another and will not have undergone a welfare check.
Box 32. Impact of transport on the animals: State how many animals have died, how
many are unfit to travel and how many females gave birth or aborted during
transport. In the case of animals consigned in large numbers (day-old chicks,
fish, molluscs, etc.) give an estimate of the number of dead or unfit animals as
Box 33. Acceptable for transhipment: Complete where relevant to indicate acceptability
for transhipment as defined in Box 18.
Box 34. Acceptable for transit procedure: Complete by indicating transit Member States
in accordance with the Route Plan where appropriate.
Box 35. Acceptable for definitive import: Complete as appropriate if the animals are
being sent to a controlled destination (slaughterhouse, officially approved body
or quarantine as defined in Box 16) authorised for import under special
Box 36. Acceptable for temporary admission: This box applies only to registered horses.
They are authorised to remain on EU/EEA territory only until the date specified
in Box 20, which may not be more than 90 days.
Box 37. Reasons for refusal: Complete as appropriate to add relevant information. Tick
the appropriate box.
‘Absence of/invalid certificate’ also refers to import licences or transit
documents required by third countries or Member States.
Box 38. Not acceptable: Use this box for consignments which do not meet EU
requirements or which are suspect.
Where import is refused, indicate clearly the procedure to be followed.
‘Slaughter’ means that the meat from the animals could go for human
consumption is passed on inspection. ‘Euthanasia’ means destruction or
elimination of the animals and their meat cannot be allowed to go for human
Box 39. Details of controlled destinations: Give the approval number and address
including the postcode for all destinations where an additional veterinary check
is required. This applies to Boxes 35, 36 and 38. For Box 36 only give the address
Explanatory Notes for completion of CVEDA (Live Animals)
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of the first establishment. For sensitive bodies which must remain anonymous,
give the number assigned to them but no address.
Box 40. Consignment resealed: Use this box when the original seal recorded for a
consignment is destroyed on opening the container. A consolidated list of all
seals that have been used for this purpose should be kept.
Box 41. Official stamp: of the border inspection post or Competent Authority.
‘Body approved pursuant to Directive 92/65/EEC’ means an officially recognised
body, institute or centre. ‘Quarantine’ refers to Decision 2000/666/EC for birds
and Directive 92/65/EC for birds, cats and dogs. ‘Relaying’ applies to molluscs.
‘Other’ means for purposes not listed elsewhere in this classification.
Box 42. Signature of Official Veterinarian.
Box 43. Customs Document Reference: For use by customs services, to add relevant
information (e.g. the number of the T1 or T5 customs certificate) where
consignments remain under customs control for a period. This information is
normally added after signature by the veterinarian.
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Control: This part must be completed by an official veterinarian responsible for re-consignment or
supervision of a controlled destination (BIP, approved body, local veterinary unit).
Box 44. Details of re-consignment: The BPI of entry must indicate the mode of transport used,
its identification and the country and date of re-consignment as soon as this information
is known.
Box 45. Follow-up: This part and the relevant parts of the document are also to be completed
where animals od species not listed in annex A to Directive 90/425/EEC are transhipped
or imported, for which the physical check has not been carried out at the BIP of entry.
This part also has to be completed by the BIP of exit in the case of animals in transit
from one third country to another and by the competent local veterinary units in the
event of non-arrival of the animals expected or if the consignment does not match the
documentation in terms of quantity or quality.
Box 46. Signature of Official Veterinarian.







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