This section reproduces notes from the EU Customs Code, Appendis D1. The reference to other appendices refer to those in the Code, which are not reproduced here.
This section contains only the specific basic requirements applicable when using paper forms. Where transit formalities are completed by the exchange of EDI messages, the instructions contained in this Appendix apply unless providse otherwise.
In some cases, the requirements for the type and length of entries are specified. The codes for the different types of data are:
a alphabetic
n numeric
an alphanumeric
The number after the code indicates the authorised length of the data entry. Two points before the indication of the length means that the data entry is not of a determined length, but that it may include a number of characters up to the number indicated.
Box 1: Declaration
First subdivision
The codes applicable are given below:
EX –
For trade with countries and territories situated outside of the customs territory of the Union other than the contracting parties to the Convention of formalities in simplification in trade in goods.
For placing goods under the following customs procedure
- Export / Dispatch,
- Customs Warehousing,
- Re-export after another special procedure,
- Re-Export after customs warehousing,
- outward processing
To confer on goods a customs-approved treatment or Re-export after another special procedure,
- Re-Export after customs warehousing,
For dispatch of non-Union goods in the context of trade between Member States
For trade with countries and territories situated outside of the customs territory of the Union other than the contracting parties to the Convention of formalities in simplification in trade in goods.
For placing goods under the following customs procedure
- Release to free circulation
- Inward processing or temporary admission
- placing under customs warehouse
For placing non-Union goods under a customs procedure in the context of trade between Member States
In the context of trade with contracting parties to the Convention of formalities in simplification in trade in goods.
For placing goods under
- Export / Dispatch,
- outward processing
- Release to free circulation
- Inward processing or temporary admission
- placing under customs warehouse
To confer on goods a customs-approved treatment or use
- Re-export after another special procedure,
- Re-Export after customs warehousing,
In respect of Union goods subject to specific measures during the transitional period following the accession of new Member States
Placing of goods under the customs warehousing procedure in order to obtain payment of special export refunds prior to exportation or manufacturing under customs supervision and under customs control prior to exportation and payment of export refunds.
In respect of Union goods in the context of trade between parts of the customs territory of the Union to which the provisions of Directive 2006/112/EC are applicable and parts of that territory to which those provisions do not apply, or in the context of trade between parts of that territory where those provisions do not apply.
Second subdivision
The codes applicable are given below:
A for a normal declaration (normal procedure under Article 162 of the Code)
B or C for a simplified declaration (simplified procedure under Article 166 of the Code
D For lodging a normal declaration (such as referred to under code A) before the declarant is in a position to present the goods.
E or F For lodging a simplified declaration (such as referred to under code B or C) before the declarant is in a position to present the goods.
X or Y for a supplementary declaration under a simplified procedure covered by B or C and E or F.
Z for a supplementary declaration under a simplified procedure under Articles 166 and 182 of the Code.
Codes D and F can only be used in the framework of the procedure provided for in Article 171 of the Code where a declaration is lodged before the declarant is in a position to present the goods.
Third subdivision
The codes applicable are given below:
T1. Goods required to move under the external Union transit procedure
T2. Goods required to move under the internal Union transit procedure
T2F. Goods required to move under the internal Union transit procedure
T2SM. Goods placed under the internal Union transit procedure, in application of Article 2 of Decision 4/92 of the EEC-San Marino Co-operation Committee of 22 December 1992.
T. Mixed consignments covered by Article 286 of [Implementing Regulation (ELT) 2015/… laying down
detailed rules for implementing certain provisions of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013], in which case the space following the ‘T’ must be scored through
T2L. Form establishing the customs status of Union goods
T2LF. Form establishing the customs status of Union goods consigned to, or from, a part of the customs territory of the Union where the provisions of Directive 2006/112/EC do not apply
T2LSM. Form establishing the status of goods destined for San Marino in application of Article 2 of Decision 4/92 of the EEC-San Marino Cooperation Committee of 22 December 1992.
Box 2: Consignor/Exporter
Where an identification number is required, the EORI number shall be used. It is structured as follows:
Country code: the Union’s alphabetical codes for countries and territories are based on the current ISO alpha 2 codes insofar as they are compatible with the country codes laid down in accordance with EU Statistics legislation.
Codes, names and protocol order of European Union (EU) Member States
Code | Country language | English | French | German |
BE | Belgique/België | Belgium | Belgique | Belgien |
BG | Bulgarija | Bulgaria | Bulgarie | Bulgarien |
CZ | Česká republika | Czech Republic | République tchèque | Tschechische Republik |
DK | Danmark | Denmark | Danemark | Dänemark |
DE | Deutschland | Germany | Allemagne | Deutschland |
EE | Eesti | Estonia | Estonie | Estland |
IE | Éire/Ireland | Ireland | Irlande | Irland |
EL | Elláda | Greece | Grèce | Griechenland |
ES | España | Spain | Espagne | Spanien |
FR | France | France | France | Frankreich |
HR | Hrvatska | Croatia | Croatie | Kroatien |
IT | Italia | Italy | Italie | Italien |
CY | Kýpros | Cyprus | Chypre | Zypern |
LV | Latvija | Latvia | Lettonie | Lettland |
LT | Lietuva | Lithuania | Lituanie | Litauen |
LU | Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Luxemburg |
HU | Magyarország | Hungary | Hongrie | Ungarn |
MT | Malta | Malta | Malte | Malta |
NL | Nederland | Netherlands | Pays-Bas | Niederlande |
AT | Österreich | Austria | Autriche | Österreich |
PL | Polska | Poland | Pologne | Polen |
PT | Portugal | Portugal | Portugal | Portugal |
RO | România | Romania | Roumanie | Rumänien |
SI | Slovenija | Slovenia | Slovénie | Slowenien |
SK | Slovensko | Slovakia | Slovaquie | Slowakei |
FI | Suomi/Finland | Finland | Finlande | Finnland |
SE | Sverige | Sweden | Suède | Schweden |
UK | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | Royaume-Uni | Vereinigtes Königreich |
The two-letter ISO code is used (ISO 3166 alpha-2) except for Greece and the United Kingdom, for which the abbreviations EL and UK have to be used.
For more information consult the Interinstitutional style guide.
Codes and names of EFTA countries
Code | Country language | English | French | German |
IS | Ísland | Iceland | Islande | Island |
LI | Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein |
NO | Norge | Norway | Norvège | Norwegen |
CH | Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera | Switzerland | Suisse | Schweiz |
The two-letter ISO code is used (ISO 3166 alpha-2).
Codes and names of candidate countries
Code | Country language | English | French | German |
ME | Crna Gora | Montenegro | Monténégro | Montenegro |
to be defined | Poranešna jugoslovenska Republika Makedonija | The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | L’ancienne République yougoslave de Macédoine | Die ehemalige jugoslawische Republik Mazedonien |
AL | Shqipëria | Albania | Albanie | Albanien |
RS | Србија/Srbija | Serbia | Serbie | Serbien |
TR | Türkiye | Turkey | Turquie | Türkei |
The two-letter ISO code is used (ISO 3166 alpha-2).
The definitive nomenclature for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia will be agreed following current negotiations at UN level. In statistical tables and graphs – but not in plain text – it is recommended to slightly shorten the name of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia by removing the initial ‘the’, and presenting its name on two rows.
Codes and names of potential candidates
Code | Country language | English |
BA | Bosna i Hercegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
XK | Kosovo* |
Full list
Country Code | Country | |||
AF | Afghanistan | |||
AL | Albania | |||
DZ | Algeria | |||
AS | American Samoa | |||
AD | Andorra | |||
AO | Angola | |||
AI | Anguilla | |||
AQ | Antarctica | |||
AG | Antigua and Barbuda | |||
AR | Argentina | |||
AM | Armenia | |||
AW | Aruba | |||
AU | Australia | |||
AT | Austria | |||
AZ | Azerbaijan | |||
BS | Bahamas | |||
BH | Bahrain | |||
BD | Bangladesh | |||
BB | Barbados | |||
BY | Belarus | |||
BE | Belgium | |||
BZ | Belize | |||
BJ | Benin | |||
BM | Bermuda | |||
BT | Bhutan | |||
BO | Bolivia | |||
BA | Bosnia and Herzegovina | |||
BW | Botswana | |||
BV | Bouvet Island | |||
BR | Brazil | |||
IO | British Indian Ocean Territory | |||
BN | Brunei Darussalam | |||
BG | Bulgaria | |||
BF | Burkina Faso | |||
BI | Burundi | |||
KH | Cambodia | |||
CM | Cameroon | |||
CA | Canada | |||
CV | Cape Verde | |||
KY | Cayman Islands | |||
CF | Central African Republic | |||
TD | Chad | |||
CL | Chile | |||
CN | China | |||
CX | Christmas Island | |||
CC | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | |||
CO | Colombia | |||
KM | Comoros | |||
CD | Congo | |||
CG | Congo | |||
CK | Cook Islands | |||
CR | Costa Rica | |||
CI | Cote D’ivoire | |||
HR | Croatia | |||
CU | Cuba | |||
CY | Cyprus | |||
CZ | Czech Republic | |||
DK | Denmark | |||
DJ | Djibouti | |||
DM | Dominica | |||
DO | Dominican Republic | |||
TP | East Timor | |||
EC | Ecuador | |||
EG | Egypt | |||
SV | El Salvador | |||
GQ | Equatorial Guinea | |||
ER | Eritrea | |||
EE | Estonia | |||
ET | Ethiopia | |||
FK | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | |||
FO | Faroe Islands | |||
FJ | Fiji | |||
FI | Finland | |||
FR | France | |||
GF | French Guiana | |||
PF | French Polynesia | |||
TF | French Southern Territories | |||
GA | Gabon | |||
GM | Gambia | |||
GE | Georgia | |||
DE | Germany | |||
GH | Ghana | |||
GI | Gibraltar | |||
GR | Greece | |||
GL | Greenland | |||
GD | Grenada | |||
GP | Guadeloupe | |||
GU | Guam | |||
GT | Guatemala | |||
GN | Guinea | |||
GW | Guinea-Bissau | |||
GY | Guyana | |||
HT | Haiti | |||
HM | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | |||
VA | Holy See (Vatican City State) | |||
HN | Honduras | |||
HK | Hong Kong | |||
HU | Hungary | |||
IS | Iceland | |||
IN | India | |||
ID | Indonesia | |||
IR | Iran | |||
IQ | Iraq | |||
IE | Ireland | |||
IL | Israel | |||
IT | Italy | |||
JM | Jamaica | |||
JP | Japan | |||
JO | Jordan | |||
KZ | Kazakstan | |||
KE | Kenya | |||
KI | Kiribati | |||
KP | Korea | |||
KR | Korea | |||
KW | Kuwait | |||
KG | Kyrgyzstan | |||
LA | Lao People’s Democratic Republic | |||
LV | Latvia | |||
LB | Lebanon | |||
LS | Lesotho | |||
LR | Liberia | |||
LY | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | |||
LI | Liechtenstein | |||
LT | Lithuania | |||
LU | Luxembourg | |||
MO | Macau | |||
MK | Macedonia | |||
MG | Madagascar | |||
MW | Malawi | |||
MY | Malaysia | |||
MV | Maldives | |||
ML | Mali | |||
MT | Malta | |||
MH | Marshall Islands | |||
MQ | Martinique | |||
MR | Mauritania | |||
MU | Mauritius | |||
YT | Mayotte | |||
MX | Mexico | |||
FM | Micronesia | |||
MD | Moldova | |||
MC | Monaco | |||
MN | Mongolia | |||
CS | Montenegro | |||
MS | Montserrat | |||
MA | Morocco | |||
MZ | Mozambique | |||
MM | Myanmar | |||
NA | Namibia | |||
NR | Nauru | |||
NP | Nepal | |||
NL | Netherlands | |||
AN | Netherlands Antilles | |||
NC | New Caledonia | |||
NZ | New Zealand | |||
NI | Nicaragua | |||
NE | Niger | |||
NG | Nigeria | |||
NU | Niue | |||
NF | Norfolk Island | |||
MP | Northern Mariana Islands | |||
NO | Norway | |||
OM | Oman | |||
PK | Pakistan | |||
PW | Palau | |||
PS | Palestinian Territory | |||
PA | Panama | |||
PG | Papua New Guinea | |||
PY | Paraguay | |||
PE | Peru | |||
PH | Philippines | |||
PN | Pitcairn | |||
PL | Poland | |||
PT | Portugal | |||
PR | Puerto Rico | |||
QA | Qatar | |||
RE | Reunion | |||
RO | Romania | |||
RU | Russian Federation | |||
RW | Rwanda | |||
SH | Saint Helena | |||
KN | Saint Kitts and Nevis | |||
LC | Saint Lucia | |||
PM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | |||
VC | Saint Vincent and The Grenadines | |||
WS | Samoa | |||
SM | San Marino | |||
ST | Sao Tome and Principe | |||
SA | Saudi Arabia | |||
SN | Senegal | |||
RS | Serbia | |||
SC | Seychelles | |||
SL | Sierra Leone | |||
SG | Singapore | |||
SK | Slovakia | |||
SI | Slovenia | |||
SB | Solomon Islands | |||
SO | Somalia | |||
ZA | South Africa | |||
GS | South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands | |||
ES | Spain | |||
LK | Sri Lanka | |||
SD | Sudan | |||
SR | Suriname | |||
SJ | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | |||
SZ | Swaziland | |||
SE | Sweden | |||
CH | Switzerland | |||
SY | Syrian Arab Republic | |||
TW | Taiwan | |||
TJ | Tajikistan | |||
TZ | Tanzania | |||
TH | Thailand | |||
TG | Togo | |||
TK | Tokelau | |||
TO | Tonga | |||
TT | Trinidad and Tobago | |||
TN | Tunisia | |||
TR | Turkey | |||
TM | Turkmenistan | |||
TC | Turks and Caicos Islands | |||
TV | Tuvalu | |||
UG | Uganda | |||
UA | Ukraine | |||
AE | United Arab Emirates | |||
GB | United Kingdom | |||
US | United States | |||
UM | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |||
UY | Uruguay | |||
UZ | Uzbekistan | |||
VU | Vanuatu | |||
VE | Venezuela | |||
VN | Vietnam | |||
VG | Virgin Islands – British | |||
VI | Virgin Islands – US | |||
WF | Wallis and Futuna | |||
EH | Western Sahara | |||
YE | Yemen | |||
YU | Yugoslavia | |||
ZM | Zambia | |||
ZW | Zimbabwe |
Box 8: Consignee
Where an identification number is required, the EORI number, structured as specified in the description for box 2, shall be used.
Where an identification number is required and the declaration includes the particulars for an exit summary declaration as set out in Appendix A, a third country unique identification number which has been made available to the Union by the third country concerned may be used.
Box 14: Declarant (person declaring)/Representative
Insert one of the following codes before the full name and address to designate the declarant or the status of the representative:
- Declarant
- Representative (direct representation)
- Representative (indirect representation)
Where this data element is printed on a paper document, it will be in square brackets (Ex: [1], [2] or [3])
Where an identification number is required, the EORI number, structured as specified in the description for box 2, shall be used.
Box 15a: Country of dispatch/export code
Use the country codes entered in box 2.
Box 17a: Country-of-destination code
Use the country codes entered in box 2.
Box 17b: Region-of-destination code
Use the codes to be adopted by the Member States.
Box 18: Nationality of means of transport at departure
Use the country codes entered in box 2.
Box 19: Container (Ctr)
The relevant codes are given below:
0 Goods not transported in containers
1 Goods transported in containers.
Box 20: Delivery terms
The codes and statements to be entered, as appropriate, in the first two subdivisions of this box are as follows:
First subdivision Meaning Second subdivision
Incoterms code Code applicable usually for
Incoterms — ICC/ECE Place to be specified
Codes applicable for road and rail
DAF (Incoterms 2000) Delivered at frontier Named place
Codes applicable for all modes of transport
EXW (Incoterms 2010) Ex works Named place
FCA (Incoterms 2010) Free carrier Named place
CPT (Incoterms 2010) Carriage paid to Named place of destination
CIP (Incoterms 2010) Carriage and insurance paid to Named place of destination
DAT (Incoterms 2010) Delivered at terminal Named terminal at port or place of destination
DAP (Incoterms 2010) Delivered at place Named place of destination
DDP (Incoterms 2010) Delivered duty paid Named place of destination
DDU (Incoterms 2000) Delivered duty unpaid Named place of destination
Codes applicable usually for sea and inland waterway transport
FAS (Incoterms 2010) Free alongside ship Named port of shipment
FOB (Incoterms 2010) Free on board Named port of shipment
CFR (Incoterms 2010) Cost and freight Named port of destination
CIF (Incoterms 2010) Cost, insurance and freight Named port of destination
DES (Incoterms 2000) Delivered ex ship Named port of destination
DEQ (Incoterms 2000) Delivered ex quay Named port of destination
XXX other Delivery terms Narrative of delivery terms given in the contract
The Member States may require the following coded particulars in the third subdivision:
1 Place situated in the territory of the Member State concerned
2 Place situated in the territory of another Member State
3 Other (place situated outside the Union).
Box 21: Nationality of active means of transport crossing the border
Use the country codes entered in box 2.
Box 22: Invoice currency
The invoice currency is to be entered by means of the ISO alpha-3 currency code (Codes ISO 4217 for the representation of currencies and funds).
Box 24: Nature of the transaction
The Member States which require this item of information must use the single digit codes listed in column A of the table provided for in Article 10(2) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 113/201017, this digit being entered in the left-hand side of the box. They may also provide for a second digit from the list in column B of that table to be entered in the right-hand side of the box.
Box 25: Mode of transport at the border
The codes applicable are given below:
Code Description
1 Sea transport
2 Rail transport
3 Road transport
4 Air transport
5 Postal consignment
7 Fixed transport installations
8 Inland waterway transport
9 Own propulsion
Box 26: Inland mode of transport
The codes listed for box 25 are applicable.
Box 29: Office of exit/entry
Use codes structured as follows:
— the first two characters serve to identify the country by means of the country code entered in box 2,
— the next six characters stand for the office concerned in that country. It is suggested that the following structure be adopted:
The first three characters would be taken up by the UN/LOCODE and the last three by a national alphanumeric subdivision (an3). If this subdivision is not used, the characters ‘000’ should be inserted.
Example: BEBRU000: BE = ISO 3166 for Belgium, BRU = UN/LOCODE for the city of Brussels, 000 for the unused subdivision.
Box 31:
Packages and description of goods; Marks and numbers — Container No(s) — Number and kind
Kind of packages
Use the following codes.
(UN/ECE Recommendation No 21/Rev. 8.1 of 12 July 2010).
Aerosol AE
Ampoule, non-protected AM
Ampoule, protected AP
Atomizer AT
Bag BG
Bag, flexible container FX
Bag, gunny GY
Bag, jumbo JB
Bag large ZB
EN 202 EN
Bag, multiply MB
Bag, paper 5M
Bag, paper, multi-wall XJ
Bag, paper, multi-wall, water resistant XK
Bag, plastic EC
Bag, plastic film XD
Bag, polybag 44
Bag, super bulk 43
Bag, textile 5L
Bag, textile, sift proof XG
Bag, textile, water resistant XH
Bag, textile, without inner coat/liner XF
Bag, tote TT
Bag, woven plastic 5H
Bag, woven plastic, sift proof XB
Bag, woven plastic, water resistant XC
Bag, woven plastic, without inner coat/liner XA
Bale, compressed BL
Bale, non-compressed BN
Ball AL
Balloon, non-protected BF
Balloon, protected BP
Bar BR
Barrel BA
Barrel, wooden 2C
Barrel, wooden, bung type QH
Bars, in bundle/bunch/truss BZ
Basin BM
EN 203 EN
Basket BK
Basket, with handle, cardboard HC
Basket, with handle, plastic HA
Basket, with handle, wooden HB
Belt B4
Bin BI
Block OK
Boards, in bundle/bunch/truss BY
Bobbin BB
Bolt BT
Bottle, gas GB
Bottle, non-protected, bulbous BS
Bottle, non-protected, cylindrical BO
Bottle, protected, bulbous BV
Bottle, protected, cylindrical BQ
Bottlecrate/bottlerack BC
Box BX
Box, aluminium 4B
Box, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEO), Eurobox DH
Box, fibreboard 4G
Box, for liquids BW
Box, natural wood 4C
Box, plastic 4H
Box, plastic, expanded QR
Box, plastic, solid QS
Box, plywood 4D
Box, reconstituted wood 4F
Box, steel 4A
EN 204 EN
Box, wooden, natural wood, ordinary QP
Bucket BJ
Bulk, gas (at 1031 mbar and 15 °C) VG
Bulk, liquefied gas (at abnormal temperature/pressure) VQ
Bulk, liquid VL
Bulk, solid, fine particles (“powders”) VY
Bulk, solid, granular particles (“grains”) VR
Bulk, solid, large particles (“nodules”) VO
Bunch BH
Bundle BE
Bundle, wooden 8C
Butt BU
Cage CG
Cage, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP) DG
Cage, roll CW
Can, cylindrical CX
Can, rectangular CA
Canister CI
Canvas CZ
Carboy, non-protected CO
Carboy, protected CP
Card CM
Card, flatbed FW
Carton CT
Cartridge CQ
Case CS
Case, car 7A
Case, isothermic EI
Case, skeleton SK
Case, steel SS
Case, with pallet base ED
Case, with pallet base, cardboard EF
Case, with pallet base, metal EH
Case, with pallet base, plastic EG
Case, with pallet base, wooden EE
Case, wooden 7B
Cask CK
Chest CH
Churn CC
Clamshell AI
Coffer CF
Coffin CJ
Coil CL
Composite packaging, glass receptacle 6P
Composite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium crate YR
Composite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium drum YQ
Composite packaging, glass receptacle in expandable plastic pack YY
Composite packaging, glass receptacle in fibre drum YW
Composite packaging, glass receptacle in fibreboard box YX
Composite packaging, glass receptacle in plywood drum YT
Composite packaging, glass receptacle in solid plastic pack YZ
Composite packaging, glass receptacle in steel crate box YP
Composite packaging, glass receptacle in steel drum YN
Composite packaging, glass receptacle in wickerwork hamper YV
Composite packaging, glass receptacle in wooden box YS
Composite packaging, plastic receptacle 6H
Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium crate YD
Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium drum YC
Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibre drum YJ
Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibreboard box YK
Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plastic drum YL
Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood box YH
Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood drum YG
Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in solid plastic box YM
Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel crate box YB
Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel drum YA
Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in wooden box YF
Cone AJ
Container, flexible IF
Container, gallon GL
Container, metal ME
Container, not otherwise specified as transport equipment CN
Container, outer OU
Cover CV
Crate CR
Crate, beer CB
Crate, bulk, cardboard DK
Crate, bulk, plastic DL
Crate, bulk, wooden DM
Crate, framed FD
Crate, fruit FC
Crate, metal MA
Crate, milk MC
Crate, multiple layer, cardboard DC
Crate, multiple layer, plastic DA
Crate, multiple layer, wooden DB
Crate, shallow SC
Crate, wooden 8B
Creel CE
Cup CU
Cylinder CY
Demijohn, non-protected DJ
Demijohn, protected DP
Dispenser DN
Drum DR
Drum, aluminium 1B
Drum, aluminium, non-removable head GC
Drum, aluminium, removable head QD
Drum, fibre IG
Drum, iron DI
Drum, plastic IH
Drum, plastic, non-removable head QF
Drum, plastic, removable head QG
Drum, plywood 1D
Drum, steel 1A
Drum, steel, non-removable head QA
Drum, steel, removable head QB
Drum, wooden 1W
Envelope EN
Envelope, steel SV
Filmpack FP
Firkin FI
Flask FL
Flexibag FB
Flexitank FE
Foodtainer FT
Footlocker FO
Frame FR
Girder GI
Girders, in bundle/bunch/truss GZ
Hamper HR
Hogshead HG
Ingot IN
Ingots, in bundle/bunch/truss IZ
Intermediate bulk container WA
Intermediate bulk container aluminium WD
Intermediate bulk container, aluminium, liquid WL
Intermediate bulk container, aluminium, pressurised ^10 kpa WH
Intermediate bulk container, composite ZS
Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, liquids ZR
Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, pressurised ZP
Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastics, solids ZM
Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, liquids ZQ
Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, pressurised ZN
Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, solids PLN
Intermediate bulk container, fibreboard
Intermediate bulk container, flexible ZU
Intermediate bulk container, metal WF
Intermediate bulk container, metal, liquid WM
Intermediate bulk container, metal, other than steel ZV
Intermediate bulk container, metal, pressure 10 kpa WJ
Intermediate bulk container, natural wood ZW
Intermediate bulk container, natural wood, with inner liner WU
Intermediate bulk container, paper multi-wall ZA
Intermediate bulk container, paper multi-wall, water resistant ZC
Intermediate bulk container, plastic film WS
Intermediate bulk container, plywood ZX
Intermediate bulk container, plywood, with inner liner WY
Intermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood ZY
Intermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood, with inner liner WZ
Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic AA
Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, liquids ZK
Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, pressurised ZH
Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, solids ZF
Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, liquids ZJ
Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, pressurised ZG
Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, solids ZD
Intermediate bulk container, steel WC
Intermediate bulk container, steel, liquid WK
Intermediate bulk container, steel pressurised ^10 kpa WG
Intermediate bulk container, textile without coat/liner WT
Intermediate bulk container, textile, coated WV
Intermediate bulk container, textile, coated and liner WX
Intermediate bulk container, textile, with liner WW
Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated WP
Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated and liner WR
Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated, with liner WQ
Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated, without coat/ liner WN
Jar JR
Jerrican, cylindrical JY
Jerrican, plastic 3H
Jerrican, plastic, non-removable head QM
Jerrican, plastic, removable head QN
Jerrican, rectangular JC
Jerrican, steel 3A
Jerrican, steel, non-removable head QK
Jerrican, steel, removable head QL
Jug JG
Jutebag JT
Keg KG
Kit KI
Liftvan LV
Log LG
Logs, in bundle/bunch/truss LZ
Lot LT
Lug LU
Luggage LE
Mat MT
Matchbox MX
Mutually defined ZZ
Nest NS
Net NT
Net, tube, plastic NU
Net, tube, textile NV
Not available NA
Octabin OT
Package PK
Package, cardboard, with bottle grip-holes IK
Package, display, metal IB
Package, display, plastic ID
Package, display, wooden IC
Package, flow IA
Package, paper wrapped IF
Package, show IE
Packet PA
Pail PL
Pallet PX
Pallet, 100 cm x 110 cm AH
Pallet, AS 4068-1993 OD
Pallet, box Combined open-ended box and pallet PB
Pallet, CHEP 100 cm x 120 cm OC
Pallet, CHEP 40 cm x 60 cm OA
Pallet, CHEP 80 cm x 120 cm OB
Pallet, ISO T11 OE
Pallet, modular, collars 80 cm x 100 cm PD
Pallet, modular, collars 80 cm x 120 cm PE
Pallet, modular, collars 80 cm x 60 cm AF
Pallet, shrinkwrapped AG
Pallet, triwall TW
Pallet, wooden 8A
Pan P2
Parcel PC
Pen PF
Piece PP
Pipe PI
Pipes, in bundle/bunch/truss PV
Pitcher PH
Plank PN
Planks, in bundle/bunch/truss PZ
Plateform, unspecified weight or dimension OF
Pot PT
Pouch PO
Punnet PJ
Rack RK
Rack, clothing hanger RJ
Receptacle, fibre AB
Receptacle, glass GR
Receptacle, metal MR
Receptacle, paper AC
Receptacle, plastic PR
Receptacle, plastic wrapped MW
Receptacle, wooden AD
Rednet RT
Reel RL
Ring RG
Rod RD
Rods, in bundle/bunch/truss RZ
Roll RO
Sachet SH
Sack SA
Sack, multiwall MS
Sea-chest SE
Sheet ST
Sheet, plastic, wrapping SP
Sheetmetal SM
Sheets, in bundle/bunch/truss SZ
Shrinkwrapped SW
Skid SI
Slab SB
Sleeve SY
Slipsheet SL
Spindle SD
Spool SO
Suitcase SU
Tablet T1
Tank container, generic TG
Tank, cylindrical TY
Tank, rectangular TK
Tea-chest TC
Tierce ST
Tin T1
Tray PU
Tray, containing horizontally stacked flat items GU
Tray, one layer no cover, cardboard DV
Tray, one layer no cover, plastic DS
Tray, one layer no cover, polystyrene DU
Tray, one layer no cover, wooden DT
Tray, rigid, lidded stackable (CEN TS 14482:2002) IL
Tray, two layers no cover, cardboard DY
Tray, two layers no cover, plastic tray DW
Tray, two layers no cover, wooden DX
Trunk TR
Truss TS
Tub TB
Tub, with lid TL
Tube TU
Tube, collapsible TD
Tube, with nozzle TV
Tubes, in bundle/bunch/truss TZ
Tun TE
Tyre TU
Uncaged UC
Unit UN
Unpacked or unpackaged NE
Unpacked or unpackaged, multiple units NG
Unpacked or unpackaged, single unit NF
Vacuum-packed VP
Vanpack VK
Vat VA
Unpacked or unpackaged NE
Vehicle VN
Wickerbottle WB
Box 33: Commodity Code
First subdivision (8 digits)
To be completed using the headings of the Combined Nomenclature.
Where the form is used for Union transit procedure purposes, the commodity code made up of at least the six digits of the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System shall be entered in this subdivision. However, where Union legislation so requires, the Combined Nomenclature heading shall be used.
Second subdivision (two characters)
To be completed in accordance with the Taric code (two characters for the application of specific Union measures in respect of formalities to be completed at destination).
Third subdivision (four characters)
To be completed in accordance with the Taric code (first additional code).
Fourth subdivision (four characters)
To be completed in accordance with the Taric code (second additional code).
Fifth subdivision (four characters)
Codes to be adopted by the Member States concerned.
Box 34a: Country-of-origin code
Use the country codes entered in box 2.
Box 34b: Region-of-origin/-production code
Codes to be adopted by the Member States.
Box 36: Preference
This box is for three-digit codes comprising a single-digit component from 1) and a two-digit component from 2).
The relevant codes are given below:
First digit of the code
1 Tariff arrangement erga omnes (general- against all non preferential)
2 Generalised System of Preferences (GSP)
3 Tariff preferences other than those mentioned under code 2
4 Customs duties under the provisions of customs union agreements concluded by the European Union
Next two digits
00 None of the following
10 Tariff suspension
15 Tariff suspension with specified end-use
18 Tariff suspension with certificate confirming the special nature of the product
19 Temporary suspension for products imported with a certificate of airworthiness
20 Tariff quota (*)
23 Tariff quota with specified end-use (*)
25 Tariff quota with certificate confirming the special nature of the product (*)
28 Tariff quota following outward processing (*)
40 Special end-use resulting from the Common Customs Tariff
50 Certificate confirming the special nature of the product
(*) Where the requested tariff quota is exhausted, Member States may allow the request to be valid for any other existing preference.
Box 37: Procedure
First subdivision
The codes to be entered in this subdivision are four-digit codes, composed of a two-digit code representing the procedure requested, followed by a second two-digit code representing the previous procedure. The list of two-digit codes is given below.
‘Previous procedure’ means the procedure under which the goods were placed before being placed under the procedure requested.
It should be noted that where the previous procedure is a warehousing procedure or temporary admission, or where the goods have come from a free zone, the relevant code should be used only where the goods have not been placed under a special procedure (inward processing, outward processing ).
For example: re-export of goods imported under the customs inward processing procedure and subsequently placed under the customs warehousing procedure = 3151 (not 3171). (First operation = 5100; second operation = 7151: re-export = 3151).
Similarly, where goods previously temporarily exported are re-imported, placing under one of the abovementioned suspensive procedures is to be regarded as simple importation under that procedure. Indication of the ‘re- importation’ aspect is to be given only when the goods are released for free circulation.
For example: entry for home use with simultaneous entry for free circulation of goods exported under the customs outward processing procedure and placed under a customs warehousing procedure on re-importation = 6121 (not 6171). (First operation: temporary export for outward processing = 2100; second operation: storage in customs warehouse = 7121; third operation: entry for home use + entry for free circulation = 6121).
The codes marked in the list below with the letter (a) cannot be used as the first two digits of the procedure code, but only to indicate the previous procedure.
For example: 4054 = entry for free circulation and home use of goods previously placed under the inward processing in another Member State.
List of procedures for coding purposes
Two of these basic elements must be combined to produce a four-digit code.
00 This code is used to indicate that there is no previous procedure (a)
01 Free circulation of goods simultaneously redispatched in the context of trade between parts of the customs territory of the Union in which the provisions of Directive 2006/112/EC are applicable and parts of that territory in which these provisions do not apply, or in the context of trade between the parts of that territory where these provisions do not apply.
Free circulation of goods simultaneously redispatched in the context of trade between the Union and the countries with which it has formed a customs union.
Example: Goods arriving from a third country, released for free circulation in France and sent on to the Channel Islands.
02 Free circulation of goods with a view to applying the inward processing procedure (drawback system). Explanation: Inward processing (drawback system) in accordance with Article 256 of the Code.
07 Free circulation with simultaneous placing of goods under a warehousing procedure other than a customs warehousing procedure.
Explanation: This code is to be used where the goods are released for free circulation but where VAT and possibly excise duties have not been paid.
Examples: Imported machines are released for free circulation but VAT has not been paid. While the goods are placed in a tax warehouse or approved area, payment of the VAT is suspended.
Imported cigarettes are released for free circulation but VAT and excise duties have not been paid. While the goods are stored in a tax warehouse or approved area, payment of the VAT and excise duties is suspended.
10 Permanent export.
Example: Normal export of Union goods to a third country, but also export of Union goods to parts of the customs territory of the Union to which the provisions of Council Directive 2006/112/EC do not apply (OJ L 347, 11.12.2006, p. 1).
11 Export of compensating products obtained from equivalent goods under the inward processing procedure before entering import goods for the procedure.
Explanation: Prior export (EX-IM) in accordance with Article 223(2)(c) of the Code .
Example: Export of cigarettes manufactured from Union tobacco leaves before placing of tobacco leaves from a third country under the inward processing procedure.
21 Temporary export under the outward processing procedure.
Example: Explanation: Outward processing procedure under Article 259 to 262 of the Code. See also code 22.
22 Temporary export other than that referred to under code 21.
Example: The simultaneous application to textile products of the outward processing procedure and the economic outward processing procedure (Council Regulation (EC) No 3036/94).
23 Temporary export for return in the unaltered state.
Example: Temporary export for exhibitions of articles such as samples, professional equipment, etc.
31 Re-export.
Explanation: Re-export of non-Union goods following a suspensive arrangement.
Example: Goods are placed under a customs warehousing procedure and subsequently declared for reexport.
40 Simultaneous release for free circulation and home use of goods which are not the subject of a VAT- exempt supply.
Example: Goods coming from a third country with payment of the customs duties and VAT.
41 Simultaneous release for free circulation and home use of goods placed under the inward processing procedure (drawback system).
Example: Inward processing procedure with payment of customs duties and national taxes on import.
42 Simultaneous release for free circulation and home use of goods which are the subject of a VAT-exempt supply to another Member State and, when applicable, an excise duty suspension.
Explanation: Exemption from payment of VAT and, where applicable, the excise duty suspension, is granted because the import is followed by an intra-Union supply or transfer of the goods to another Member State. In that case, the VAT and, where applicable, the excise duty will be due in the Member State of final destination. In order to use this procedure, the persons must meet the conditions listed in Article 143(2) of Directive 2006/112/EC and, where applicable, the conditions listed in Article 17(1)(b) of Directive 2008/118/EC.
Example 1: Import of goods with exemption from VAT through a tax representative.
Example 2: Excise goods imported from a third country, which are released for free circulation and are the subject of a VAT-exempt supply to another Member State. The release for free circulation is immediately followed by a movement under excise duty suspension from the place of importation initiated by a registered consignor in accordance with Article 17(1)(b) of Directive 2008/118/EC.
43 Simultaneous release for free circulation and home use of goods subject to specific measures connected with the collection of an amount during the transitional period following the accession of new Member States.
Example: Release for free circulation of agricultural products subject, during a special transitional period following the accession of new Member States, to a special customs procedure or special measures between the new Member States and the rest of the Union of the kind applied in their time to ES and PT.
45 Release of goods for free circulation and home use for either VAT or excise duties and their placing under the tax warehouse procedure.
Explanation: VAT or excise exemption by placing the goods under a fiscal warehouse procedure.
Examples: Cigarettes imported from a third country are released for free circulation and VAT has been paid. While the goods are in the tax warehouse or approved area, the payment of excise duties is suspended.
Cigarettes imported from a third country are released for free circulation and excise duties are paid. While the goods are in the tax warehouse or approved area the payment of VAT is suspended.
48 Entry for home use with simultaneous release for free circulation of replacement goods under the customs outward processing procedure prior to the export of the temporary export goods.
Explanation: Standard exchange system (IM-EX), prior importation in accordance with Article 262(1) of the Code.
49 Entry for home use of Union goods in the context of trade between parts of the customs territory of the Union in which the provisions of Directive 2006/112/EC are applicable and parts of that territory in which those provisions do not apply, or in the context of trade between the parts of that territory where these provisions do not apply.
Entry for home use of goods in the context of trade between the Union and the countries with which it has formed a customs union.
Explanation: Import with entry for home use of goods from parts of the Union to which the Directive 2006/112/EC does not apply. The use of the customs declaration is laid down in Article 134 of [Delegated Regulation (ELT) 2015/… supplementing Regulation (ELT) No 952/2013].
Examples: Goods arriving from Martinique and entered for home use in Belgium.
Goods coming from Andorra and entered for home use in Germany.
51 Inward processing procedure.
Explanation: Inward processing in accordance with Article 256 of the Code.
53 Import under temporary admission procedure.
Example: Temporary admission, e.g. for an exhibition.
54 Inward processing in another Member State (without their being released for free circulation in that Member State).(a)
Explanation: This code is used to record the operation for the purposes of statistics on intra-Union trade.
Example: Goods from a third country are placed under inward processing in Belgium (5100). After undergoing inward processing, they are dispatched to Germany for release for free circulation (4054) or further processing (5154).
61 Re-importation with simultaneous release for free circulation and home use of goods which are not the subject of a VAT-exempt supply.
63 Reimportation with simultaneous release for free circulation and home use of goods which are the subject of a VAT-exempt supply to another Member State and, when applicable, an excise duty suspension.
Explanation: Exemption from payment of VAT and, where applicable, the excise duty suspension, is granted because the reimportation is followed by an intra-Union supply or transfer of the goods to another Member State. In such a case, the VAT and, where applicable, the excise duty, will be due in the Member State of final destination. In order to use this procedure, the persons must meet the conditions listed in Article 143(2) of Directive 2006/112/EC and, where applicable, the conditions listed in Article 17(1)(b) of Directive 2008/118/EC.
Example 1: Reimportation after outward processing or temporary export, with any VAT debt being charged to a tax representative.
Example 2: Excise goods reimported after outward processing and released for free circulation, which are the subject of a VAT-exempt supply to another Member State. The release for free circulation is immediately followed by a movement under excise duty suspension from the place of reimportation initiated by a registered consignor in accordance with Article 17(1)(b) of Directive 2008/118/EC.
68 Re-importation with partial entry for home use and simultaneous entry for free circulation and placing of goods under a warehousing procedure other than a customs warehousing procedure.
Example: Processed alcoholic beverages are re-imported and placed in an excise warehouse.
71 Placing of goods under the customs warehousing procedure.
Explanation: Placing of goods under the customs warehousing procedure. This in no way precludes the simultaneous placement of goods in, say, an excise or VAT warehouse.
76 Placing of goods under the customs warehousing procedure in order to obtain payment of special export refunds prior to exportation.
Example: Boned meat of adult male bovine animals placed under the customs warehousing procedure prior to export (Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1741/2006 of 24 November 2006 laying down the conditions for granting the special export refund on boned meat of adult male bovine animals placed under the customs warehousing procedure prior to export .
77 Manufacturing of goods under supervision by the customs authorities and under customs control (within the meaning of Article 5(27) of the Code prior to exportation and payment of export refunds.
Example: Preserved beef and veal products manufactured under supervision by the customs authorities and under customs control prior to export (Articles 2 and 3 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1731/2006 of 23 November 2006 on special detailed rules for the application of export refunds in the case of certain preserved beef and veal products.
78 Entry of goods for a free zone (a)
91 Placing of goods under processing under customs control. (a)
92 Processing under customs control in another Member State (without release for free circulation in that Member State).(a)
Explanation: This code is used to record the operation for the purposes of statistics on intra-Union trade.
Example: Goods from a third country were processed under customs control in Belgium (9100). After undergoing processing, they are dispatched to Germany for release for free circulation (4092).
Second subdivision
Where this box is used to specify a Union procedure, a code composed of an alphabetic character followed by two alpha-numeric characters must be used, the first character of which identifies a category of measures in the following manner:
Inward processing Axx
Outward processing Bxx
Relief Cxx
Temporary admission Dxx
Agricultural products Exx
Other Fxx
Inward processing (IP)
Procedure Code
Goods entered for an IP procedure after prior export of processed products obtained from milk and milk products A01
Goods placed under an IP procedure and intended for military use abroad A02
Goods placed under an IP procedure and intended for re-export to the continental shelf A03
Goods placed under an IP procedure (VAT only) A04
Goods placed under an IP procedure (VAT only) and intended for re-export to the continental shelf A05
Goods which are placed under an IP procedure without suspension of excise duties. A08
Processed products obtained from milk and milk products A51
Processed products placed under an IP procedure (VAT only) A52
Processed products placed under an IP procedure and intended for military use abroad A53
Outward processing (OP)
Procedure Code
Processed products returning to the Member State in which duties were paid B01
Processed products returning after repair under guarantee B02
Processed products returning after replacement under guarantee B03
Processed products returning after outward processing and VAT suspension in case of end-use. B04
Prior import of processed products under outward processing. B07
Goods imported for IP exported for repair under OP B51
Goods imported for IP exported for replacement under guarantee B52
OP under agreements with third countries, possibly combined with VAT OP B53
VAT OP only B54
(Regulation (EC) No 1186/2009) Code
Relief from import duties
Personal property belonging to natural persons transferring their normal place of residence to the Union C01
Trousseaux and household effects imported on the occasion of a marriage C02
Presents customarily given on the occasion of a marriage C03
Personal property acquired by inheritance C04
School outfits, educational materials and related household effects C06
Consignments of negligible value C07
Consignments sent from one private individual to another C08
Capital goods and other equipment imported on the transfer of activities from a third country into the Union C09
Capital goods and other equipment belonging to persons engaged in a liberal profession and to legal persons engaged in a non-profit making activity C10
Educational, scientific and cultural materials scientific instruments and apparatus as listed in Annex I C11
Educational, scientific and cultural materials scientific instruments and apparatus as listed in Annex II C12
Educational, scientific and cultural materials; scientific instruments and apparatus imported exclusively for non commercial purposes (including spare parts, components, accessories and tools) C13
Equipment imported for non-commercial purposes by or on behalf of a scientific research establishment or organisation based outside the Union C14
Laboratory animals and biological or chemical substances intended for research C15
Therapeutic substances of human origin and blood- grouping and tissue-typing reagents 54 C16
Instruments and apparatus used in medical research, establishing medical diagnoses or carrying out medical treatment C17
Reference substances for the quality control of medicinal products C18
Pharmaceutical products used at international sports events C19
Goods for charitable or philanthropic organisations C20
Articles in Annex III intended for the blind C21
Articles in Annex IV intended for the blind imported by blind persons themselves for their own use (including spare parts, components, accessories and tools) C22
Articles in Annex IV intended for the blind imported by certain institutions or organisations (including spare parts, components, accessories and tools) C23
Articles in Annex IV intended for the handicapped persons (other than blind persons) imported by handicapped persons themselves for their own use (including spare parts, components, accessories and tools) C24
Articles in Annex IV intended for the other handicapped persons (other than blind persons) imported by certain institutions or organisations (including spare parts, components, accessories and tools C25
Goods imported for the benefit of disaster victims C26
Honorary decorations or awards C27
Presents received in the context of international relations C28
Goods to be used by monarchs or heads of state C29
Samples of goods of negligible value imported for trade promotion purposes C30
Printed matter and advertising material imported for trade promotion purposes C31
Products used or consumed at a trade fair or similar event C32
Goods imported for examination, analysis or test purposes C33
Consignments sent to organisations protecting copyrights or industrial and commercial patent rights C34
Tourist information literature C35
Miscellaneous documents and articles C36
Ancillary materials for the stowage and protection of goods during their transport C37
Litter, fodder and feeding stuffs for animals during their transport C38
Fuel and lubricants present in land motor vehicles and special containers C39
Materials for cemeteries for, and memorials to, war victims C40
Coffins, funerary urns and ornamental funerary articles C41
Relief from export duties
Domesticated animals exported at the time of transfer of agricultural activities from the Union to a third country C51
Fodder and feeding stuffs accompanying animals during their exportation C52
Temporary admission
Procedure Code
Pallets D01
Containers D02
Means of transport D03
Personal effects and goods for sports purposes imported by travellers D04
Welfare material for seafarers D05
Disaster relief material D06
Medical, surgical and laboratory equipment 222 D07
Animals D08
Goods intended for activities in keeping with the particularities of the frontier zone D09
Sound, image or data carrying media D10
Publicity material D11
Professional equipment D12
Pedagogic material and scientific equipment D13
Packings, full D14
Packings, empty D15
Moulds, dies, blocks, drawings, sketches, measuring, checking and testing instruments and other similar articles D16
Special tools and instruments D17
Goods to be subjected to tests D18
Goods imported, subject to satisfactory acceptance tests, in connection with a sales contract D19
Goods used to carry out tests D20
Samples D21
Replacement means of production D22
Goods to be exhibited or used at a public event D23
Goods for approval (six months) D24
Works of art, collectors’ items and antiques D25
Goods imported with a view to their sale by auction D26
Spare parts, accessories and equipment 235 D27
Goods imported in particular situations having no economic effect D28
Goods imported occasionally and for a period not exceeding three months D29
Temporary admission with partial relief from duties D51
Agricultural products
Procedure Code
Use of the unit price for the determination of the customs value for certain perishable goods (Article 74(2)(c) of the Code and Article 142(6) of [Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/… laying down detailed rules for implementing certain provisions of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013] E01
Standard import values (for example: Regulation (EU) No 543/2011) E02
Agricultural products for which a refund is requested, subject to an export certificate (Annex I goods). E51
Agricultural products for which a refund is requested, not requiring an export certificate (Annex I goods) E52
Agricultural products for which a refund is requested, exported in small quantities, not requiring an export certificate (Annex I goods). E53
Agricultural products for which a refund is requested, subject to a refund certificate (non-Annex I goods). E61
Agricultural products for which a refund is requested, not requiring a refund certificate (non-Annex I goods) E62
Agricultural products for which a refund is requested, exported in small quantities, without a refund certificate (non-Annex I goods) E63
Agricultural products for which a refund is requested, exported in small quantities disregarded for the calculation of minimum rates of checks. E71
Procedure Code
Relief from import duties for returned goods (Article 203 of the Code) F01
Relief from import duties for returned goods (Special circumstances provided for in article 159 of [Delegated Regulation (ELT) 2015/… supplementing Regulation (ELT) No 952/2013]: agriculture goods) F02
Relief from import duties for returned goods (Special circumstances provided for in article 158(3) of [Delegated Regulation (ELT) 2015/… supplementing Regulation (ELT) No 952/2013]: repair or restoration) F03
Processed products which return to the Union after having been previously exported or re-exported Article 205(1) of the Code F04
A movement of excise goods under an excise duty suspension arrangement from the place of importation in accordance with Article 17(1)(b) of directive 2008/118/EC. F06
Exemption from import duties of products of sea-fishing and other products taken from the territorial sea of a third country by vessels registered or recorded in a Member State and flying the flag of the state F21
Exemption from import duties of products obtained from products of sea-fishing and other products taken from the territorial sea of a third country on board factory-ships registered or recorded in a Member State and flying the flag of the state F22
Goods which, after having been under an outward-processing procedure, are placed under a warehousing procedure without suspension of excise duties F31
Goods which, after having been under an inward-processing procedure, are placed under a warehousing procedure without suspension of excise duties F32
Goods which, after having been in a free zone, are placed under a warehousing procedure without suspension of excise duties F33
Goods which, after having been subject end-use, are placed under a warehousing procedure without suspension of excise duties F34
Release for free circulation of goods for events or for sale placed under temporary admission, applying the elements of calculation in force at the moment of acceptance of the declaration for free circulation F41
Release for free circulation of processed products where the calculation of the amount of import duties shall be made in accordance with Article 86(3) of the Code. F44
Exports for military use F51
Victualling F61
Victualling of goods eligible of refunds F62
Entry in victualling warehouse F63
Exit from victualling warehouse of goods intended for victualling F64
Box 40: Summary declaration/Previous document
This box is for alphanumeric codes.
Each code has three components, which are separated by dashes (-). The first component (a1) consists of three different letters and is used to distinguish between the three categories mentioned below. The second component (an..3), which consists of a combination of digits and/or letters, serves to identify the type of document. The third component (an..20) represents the particulars needed to recognise the document, either its identification number or another recognisable reference.
The first component:
the summary declaration, represented by ‘X’,
the initial declaration, represented by ‘Y’
the previous document, represented by ‘Z’,
The second component (an..3):
Choose the abbreviation for the document from the ‘list of abbreviations for documents’.
This list includes the code ‘CLE’, which stands for ‘date and reference of the entry of the goods in the records’. (Article 182 of the Code). The date is coded as follows: yyyymmdd.
The third component (an..20):
The identification number or another recognisable reference of the document is inserted here.
— The previous document is a T1 transit document to which the office of destination has assigned the number ‘238544’. The code will therefore be ‘Z-821-238544’. (‘Z’ for previous document, ‘821’ for the transit procedure and ‘238544’ for the document’s registration number (or the MRN for the NCTS operations)).
— A cargo manifest bearing the number ‘2222’ is used as a summary declaration. The code will be ‘X-785- 2222’. (‘X’ for the summary declaration, ‘785’ for the cargo manifest and ‘2222’ for the manifest’s identification number).
— Goods were entered in the records on 14 February 2002. The code will therefore be ‘Y-CLE-20020214-5’ (‘Y’ to show there was an initial declaration, ‘CLE’ for ‘entry in the records’, ‘20020214’ for the date of entry, ‘2002’ being the year, ‘02’ the month, ‘14’ the day and ‘5’ for the reference of the entry in the records).
List of abbreviations for documents
Container list 235
Loading list (delivery note) 270
Packing list 271
Proforma invoice 325
Commercial invoice 380
House waybill 703
Master bill of lading 704
Bill of lading 705
CIM consignment note (rail) 720
Road list SMGS 722
Road consignment note 730
Air waybill 740
Master air waybill 741
Despatch note (post parcels) 750
Multimodal/combined transport document 760
Cargo manifest 785
Bordereau 787
Union transit Declaration — Mixed consignments (T) 820
External Union transit Declaration (T1) 821
Internal Union transit Declaration (T2) 822
TIR carnet 952
ATA carnet 955
Reference/date of entry of the goods in the records CLE
Information sheet INF3 IF3
Information sheet INF8 IF8
Cargo manifest — simplified procedure MNS
Internal Union transit Declaration — T2F
Entry summary declaration 355
Summary declaration for temporary storage 337
Other ZZZ
If the above document is drawn up using the SAD, the abbreviation will comprise the codes specified for the first subdivision of box 1. (IM, EX, CO and EU)
Box 43: Valuation method
The provisions used to determine the customs value of imported goods are to be coded as follows:
Code Relevant provisions of the Method
1 Article 70 of the Code Transaction value of the imported goods
2 Article 74(2)(a) of the Code Transaction value of identical goods
3 Article 74(2)(b) of the Code Transaction value of similar goods
4 Article 74(2)(c) of the Code Deductive value method
5 Article 74(2)(d) of the Code Computed value method
6 Article 74(3) of the Code Value based on the data available (‘fallback’ method)
Box 44: Additional information/Documents produced/Certificates and authorisations
Additional information
A five-digit code is used to encode additional information of a customs nature. This code follows the additional information unless Union law provides for the code to be used in place of the text.
The declarant enters code 00300 in box 2 to indicate that there is identity between the declarant and the consignor.
Union law provides for certain additional information to be entered in boxes other than box 44. However, such additional information should be coded according to the same rules as the information to be specifically entered in box 44. Furthermore, where Union law fails to specify the box in which information is to be entered, that information is to be entered in box 44.
All types of additional information are listed at the end of this title.
Member States may provide for the use of national additional information provided that their codification presents a structure different to the codes for Union additional information.
Documents produced, certificates and authorisations
(a) Documents, certificates and Union or international authorisations or other references produced in support of the declaration must be entered in the form of a code composed of 4 alpha-numeric characters, and, where applicable, followed either by an identification number or another recognisable reference. The list of documents, certificates, authorisations and other references and their respective codes can be found in the TARIC database.
(b) National documents, certificates and authorisations produced in support of the declaration must be entered in the form of a code composed of an numeric character followed by 3 alpha-numeric characters (Ex: 2123, 34d5), possibly followed either by an identification number or another recognisable reference. The four characters represent codes based on that Member State’s own nomenclature.
Box 47: Calculation of taxes
First column: Type of tax
The codes applicable are given below:
Customs duties on industrial products A00
Additional duties A20
Definitive antidumping duties A30
Provisional antidumping duties A35
Definitive countervailing duties A40
Provisional countervailing duties A45
Compensatory interest (VAT) B10
Interest on arrears (VAT) B20
Export taxes C00
Export taxes on agricultural products C10
Interest on arrears D00
Compensatory interest (I.e. Inward processing) D10
Duties collected on behalf of other countries E00
Codes exclusively for national use must be composed of a numeric character followed by two alphanumeric characters according to that Member State’s own nomenclature.
Last column : Method of payment
The following codes may be used by the Member States:
A Payment in cash
B Payment by credit card
C Payment by cheque
D Other (e. g. direct debit to agent’s cash account)
E Deferred or postponed payment
F Deferred payment — customs system
G Postponed payment — VAT system (Article 23 Sixth VAT Directive)
H Electronic credit transfer
J Payment through post office administration (postal consignments) or other public sector or government department
K Excise credit or rebate
M Security, including cash deposit
P From agent’s cash account
R Guarantee
S Individual guarantee account
T From agent’s guarantee account
U From agent’s guarantee — standing authority
V From agent’s guarantee — individual authority
O Guarantee lodged with Intervention Agency.
Box 49: Identification of warehouse
The code to be entered has the following three-part structure:
– The character identifying the type of warehouse:
R Public customs warehouse type I
S Public customs warehouse type II
T Public customs warehouse type III
U Private customs warehouse
V Storage facilities for the temporary storage of goods
Y for a non-customs warehouse
Z for a free zone or free warehouse
— the identification number allocated by the Member State when issuing the authorisation
— the country code for the authorising Member State, as defined in box 2 (a2)
Box 50: Principal
Where an identification number is required, the EORI number, structured as specified in the description for box 2, shall be used.
Box 51: Intended offices of transit (and country)
Use the codes entered in box 29.
Box 52: Guarantee
Guarantee codes
The codes applicable are given below:
Situation Code Other entries
For guarantee waiver Article 95(2) of the Code 0 — guarantee waiver certificate number
For comprehensive guarantee 1 — comprehensive guarantee certificate number
— office of guarantee
For individual guarantee by a 2 — reference for the guarantee undertaking
— office of guarantee
For individual guarantee in cash 3
For individual guarantee in
the form of vouchers 4 — individual guarantee voucher number
For guarantee waiver 5
where secured
amount does not exceed the
statistical value threshold for
declarations in accordance with
Article 89(9) of the Code
For guarantee not required 6
(Article 89(8) of the Code)
For guarantee not required 8
for certain public bodies
Entering countries under the heading ‘not valid for’:
Use the country codes entered in box 2.
Box 53: Office of destination (and country)
Use the codes entered in box 29.
Additional information — code XXXXX
General category — Code 0xxxx
Additional information Box Code
Application for ‘Simplified authorisation’ Box 44 Code 00100
Several consignees or previous documents Box 2,8 and 40 Code 00200
Identity between declarant and consignor Box 14 Code 00300
Identity between declarant and exporter Box 14 Code 00400
Identity between declarant and consignee Box 14 Code 00500
On import: Code 1xxxx
Legal basis Subject Additional information Box Code
Temporarily ‘suspension of the autonomous duties Import with airworthiness certificate’
Box 44 10100
Discharge of inward processing IP goods Box 44 Code 10200
Discharge of inward Processing IP goods, Commercial policy Box 44 Code 10300
Temporary admission ‘TA goods’ Box 44 Code 10500
Determination of the duty incurred for the duty for processed resulting from inward processing – ‘Special rule for the calculation of import duty for processed products Box 44 Code 10800
Export of agricultural goods subject to end- use Box 44 Code 30 300
Linguistic references Codes
Limited validity — 99200
— BG [characters cannot be reproduced]
— CS Omezená platnost
— DA Begrwnset gyldighed
— DE Beschränkte Geltung
— EE Piiratud kehtivus
— EL [characters cannot be reproduced]
— ES Validez limitada
— FR Validit6 limit6e
— HR Ogranicena valjanost
— IT Validità limitata
— LV Ierobezots derîgums
— LT Galiojimas apribotas
— HU Korlátozott 6rv6nyix
— MT Validità limitata
— NL Beperkte geldigheid
— PL Ograniczona waznošc
— PT Validade limitada
— RO Validitate limitatå
— SL Omejena veljavnost
— SK Obmedzená platnost’
— FI Voimassa rajoitetusti
— SV Begränsad giltighet
— EN Limited validity
Waiver — 99201
— CS Osvobození — DA Fritaget — DE Befreiung
– BG [characters cannot be reproduced]
— EE Loobutud
— EL [characters cannot be reproduced]
— ES Dispensa
— FR Dispense
— HR Oslobodeno
— IT Dispensa
— LV Derïgs bez zïmoga
— LT Leista neplombuoti
— HU Mentesség
— MT Tnehhija
— NL Vrijstelling
— PL Zwolnienie
— PT Dispensa
— RO Dispenså
— SL Opustitev
— SK Oslobodenie
— FI Vapautettu
— SV Befrielse.
— EN Waiver
Alternative proof — 99202
— BG [characters cannot be reproduced]
– CS Alternativní dûkaz
— DA Alternativt bevis
— DE Alternativnachweis
— EE Alternatiivsed tõendid
— EL [characters cannot be reproduced]
— ES Prueba alternativa
— FR Preuve alternative
— HR Alternativni dokaz
— IT Prova alternativa
— LV Alternatïvs pierãdïjums
— LT Alternatyvusis ^rodymas
— HU Alternatív igazolás
— MT Prova alternattiva
— NL Alternatief bewijs
— PL Alternatywny dowód
— PT Prova alternativa
– RO Probå alternativå
– SL Alternativno dokazilo
– SK Alternatívny dOkaz
– FI Vaihtoehtoinen todiste
– SV Alternativt bevis
– EN Alternative proof
Differences: office where goods were presented (name and country) — 99203
^ BG [characters cannot be reproduced]
– CS Nesrovnalosti: úrad, kterému bylo zbozí predlozeno (název a zemê)
^ DA Forskelle: det sted, hvor varerne blev frembudt (navn og land)
^ DE Unstimmigkeiten: Stelle, bei der die Gestellung erfolgte …… (Name und Land)
^ EE Erinevused: asutus, kuhu kaup esitati (nimi ja riik)
^ EL [characters cannot be reproduced]
^ ES Diferencias: mercancías presentadas en la oficina …… (nombre y país)
^ FR Différences: marchandises présentées au bureau (nom et pays)
^ HR Razlike: carinarnica kojoj je roba podnesena … (naziv I zemlja)
^ IT Differenze: ufficio al quale sono state presentate le merci …… (nome e paese)
^ LV Atškirïbas: muitas iestãde, kurã preces tika uzrãdïtas …… (nosaukums un valsts)
^ LT Skirtumai: ^staiga, kuriai pateiktos prekês (pavadinimas ir valstybê)
^ HU Eltérések: hivatal, ahol az áruk bemutatása megtörtént …… (név és ország)
^ MT Differenzi: ufficcju fejn l-oggetti kienu ppre2entati …… (isem u pajji2)
^ NL Verschillen: kantoor waar de goederen zijn aangebracht …… (naam en land)
^ PL Niezgodnošci: urzad w którym przedstawiono towar …… (nazwa i kraj)
^ PT Diferenças: mercadorias apresentadas na estãncia (nome e país)
^ RO Diferente: mårfuri prezentate la biroul vamal (nume si tara)
^ SL Razlike: urad, pri katerem je bilo blago predlozeno …… (naziv in drzava)
^ SK Nezrovnalosti: úrad, ktorému bol tovar dodaný (názov a krajina).
^ FI Muutos: toimipaikka, jossa tavarat esitetty (nimi ja maa)
^ SV Avvikelse: tullkontor där varorna anmäldes (namn och land)
^ EN Differences: office where goods were presented (name and country)
Exit from….. subject to restrictions or charges under Regulation/Directive/ Decision No … — 99204
^ BG [characters cannot be reproduced]
^ CS Výstup ze podléhá omezením nebo dávkám podle narízení/smêrnice/ rozhodnutí c …
^ DA Udpassage fra undergivet restriktioner eller afgifter i henhold til forordning/direktiv/ afgørelse nr. …
^ DE Ausgang aus – gemäß Verordnung/Richtlinie/Beschluss Nr. … Beschränkungen oder Abgaben unterworfen.
^ EE … territooriumilt väljumise suhtes kohaldatakse piiranguid ja makse vastavalt määrusele/direktiivile/otsusele nr…
^ EL [characters cannot be reproduced]
^ ES Salida de sometida a restricciones o imposiciones
en virtud del (de la) Reglamento/Directiva/ Decisión no …
^ FR Sortie de soumise à des restrictions ou à des impositions par le règlement ou la directive/décision no …
^ HR Izlaz iz … podlijeze ogranicenjima ili pristobjama na temeleju Uredbe/Direktive/Odluke br. …
^ IT Uscita dalla soggetta a restrizioni o ad imposizioni a norma del(la) regolamento/direttiva/ decisione n. …
^ LV Izvešana no piemërojot ierobezojumus vai maksãjumus saskanã ar Regulu/Direktïvu/Lëmumu Nr. …,
^ LT Išvezimui iš taikomi apribojimai arba mokesciai, nustatytiReglamentu/ Direktyva/Sprendimu Nr….,
^ HU A kilépés területéról a …rendelet/irányelv/határozat szerinti korlátozás vagy teher megfizetésének kötelezettsége alá esik
^ MT Hrug mill- suggett ghall-restrizzjonijiet jew hlasijiet taht Regola/ Direttiva/Decizjoni Nru …
^ NL Bij uitgang uit de zijn de beperkingen of heffingen van Verordening/ Richtlijn/Besluit nr. … van toepassing.
^ PL Wyprowadzenie z podlega ograniczeniom lub oplatom zgodnie z rozporzadzeniem/dyrektywa/decyzja nr …
^ PT Saída da sujeita a restrições ou a imposições pelo(a) Regulamento/ Directiva/Decisão n.o …
^ RO Iesire din supuså restrictiilor sau impozitelor prin Regulamentul/ Directiva/Decizia nr …
^ SL Iznos iz zavezan omejitvam ali obveznim dajatvam na podlagi Uredbe/Direktive/Odlocbe št. …
^ SK Výstup z podlieha obmedzeniam alebo platbám podla nariadenia/ smernice/rozhodnutia c ….
^ FI vientiin sovelletaan asetuksen/direktiivin/päätöksen N:o … mukaisia rajoituksia tai maksuja
^ SV Utförsel från underkastad restriktioner eller avgifter i enlighet med förordning/direktiv/beslut nr …
^ EN Exit from subject to restrictions or charges under
Prescribed itinerary waived — 99205
^ BG [characters cannot be reproduced]
CS Osvobození od stanovené trasy ^ DA fritaget for bindende transportrute
^ DE Befreiung von der verbindlichen Beförderungsroute
^ EE Ettenähtud marsruudist loobutud
^ EL [characters cannot be reproduced]
^ ES Dispensa de itinerario obligatorio
^ FR Dispense d’itinéraire contraignant
^ HR Oslobodeno od propisanog plana puta
^ IT Dispensa dall’itinerario vincolante
^ LV Atlauts novirzïties no noteiktã maršruta
^ LT Leista nenustatyti maršruto
^ HU Elóírt útvonal alól mentesítve
^ MT Tnehhija ta` l-itinerarju preskitt
^ NL Geen verplichte route
^ PL Zwolniony z wiazacej trasy przewozu
^ PT Dispensa de itinerário vinculativo
^ RO Dispenså de la itinerarul obligatoriu
^ SL Opustitev predpisane poti
^ SK Oslobodenie od predpísanej trasy
^ FI Vapautettu sitovan kuljetusreitin noudattamisesta
^ SV Befrielse från bindande färdväg
^ EN Prescribed itinerary waived
Authorised consignor — 99206
^ CS Schválený odesílatel
Linguistic references Codes
— DA Godkendt afsender
— DE Zugelassener Versender
— EE Volitatud kaubasaatja
— EL [characters cannot be reproduced]
— ES Expedidor autorizado
— FR Expéditeur agréé
— HR Ovlašteni pošiljatelj
— IT Speditore autorizzato
— LV Atzïtais nosütïtãjs
— LT Igaliotas siuntêjas
— HU Engedélyezett feladó
— MT Awtorizzat li jibghat
— NL Toegelaten afzender
— PL Upowazniony nadawca
— PT Expedidor autorizado
— RO Expeditor agreat
— SL Pooblašceni pošiljatelj
— SK Schválený odosielatel
— FI Valtuutettu lähettäjä
— SV Godkänd avsändare
— EN Authorised consignor
Signature waived — 99207
— CS Podpis se nevyzaduje
— DA Fritaget for underskrift
— DE Freistellung von der Unterschriftsleistung
— EE Allkirjanõudest loobutud
— EL [characters cannot be reproduced]
— ES Dispensa de firma
— FR Dispense de signature
— HR Oslobodeno potpisa
— IT Dispensa dalla firma
— LV Derïgs bez paraksta
— LT Leista nepasirašyti
— HU Aláírás alól mentesítve
— MT Firma mhux mehtiega
— NL Van ondertekening vrijgesteld
— PL Zwolniony ze skladania podpisu
— PT Dispensada a assinatura
— RO Dispenså de semnåturå
— SL Opustitev podpisa
— SK Oslobodenie od podpisu
— FI Vapautettu allekirjoituksesta
— SV Befrielse från underskrift
— EN Signature waived
— EL [characters cannot be reproduced]
— [characters cannot be reproduced]
Various — 99211
— CS Rûzní
— DA Diverse
— DE Verschiedene
— EE Erinevad
— EL [characters cannot be reproduced]
— ES Varios
— FR Divers
— HR Razni
— IT Vari
— LV Dazãdi
— LT Ivairüs
— HU Többféle
— MT Diversi
— NL Diverse
— PL Rózne
— PT Diversos
— RO Diversi
— SL Razno
— SK Rôzne
— FI Useita
— SV Flera
— EN Various
Bulk — 99212
— CS Volnê lozeno
— DA Bulk
— DE Lose
— EE Pakendamata
— EL [characters cannot be reproduced]
— ES A granel
— FR Vrac
— HR Rasuto
— IT Alla rinfusa
— LV Berams
— LT Nesupakuota
— HU Ömlesztett
— MT Bil-kwantitá
— NL Los gestort
— PL Luzem
— PT A granel
— RO Vrac
— SL Razsuto
— SK VoPne
— FI Irtotavaraa
— SV Bulk
— EN Bulk
Consignor — 99213
— CS Odesílatel
— DA Afsender
— DE Versender
— EE Saatja
— EL [characters cannot be reproduced]
— ES Expedidor
— FR Expéditeur
— HR Pošiljatelj
— IT Speditore
— LV Nosütïtãjs
— LT Siuntêjas
— HU Feladó
— MT Min jikkonsenja
— NL Afzender
— PL Nadawca
— PT Expedidor
— RO Expeditor
— SL Pošiljatelj
— SK Odosielatel
— FI Lähettäjä
— SV Avsändare
— EN Consignor