
Get a goods movement reference

If you’re a haulier use this service to get a goods movement reference using the Goods Vehicle Movement Service.

Use this service to get a goods movement reference using the Goods Vehicle Movement Service.

What you’ll need

You’ll need:

  • vehicle registration number if your movement is accompanied
  • trailer number or container reference number if your movement is unaccompanied
  • the Movement Reference Numbers from safety and security declarations
  • a unique reference number from the trader that proves that a declaration has either been pre-lodged or is not needed, this will either be:
    • a Transit Accompanying Document Movement Reference Number (for goods moving using Transit)
    • a Movement Reference Number (for goods moving from Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) to Northern Ireland declared into the Customs Declaration Service from 1 January 2021)
    • an EORI (for goods where the trader is authorised to make declarations in their own records) for goods moving from Great Britain to Northern Ireland from 1 January 2021
  • an ATA or Transports Internationaux Routiers (TIR) carnet reference (for goods moving from Great Britain to Northern Ireland declared from 1 January 2021)
  • for transit, ATA or TIR carnet movements – the paper Transit Accompanying Document (TAD), or the ATA or TIR carnet, must travel with the goods throughout the journey
  • if you are moving an empty trailer then you will need a goods movement reference – in some cases, you may also need to complete a Safety & Security declaration and the service will provide further information on how to complete this

Get a goods movement reference

You’ll need the Government Gateway user ID and password you used when you registered for the Goods Vehicle Movement Service.

Start now


Check if a goods movement reference is valid

If you’re using the Goods Vehicle Movement Service, find out what you must do if you are a carrier and need to check if a goods movement reference is valid and if goods can be moved.

Before you start

You must make sure that you have developed the carrier application programme interface (API).

You’ll also need the haulier’s:

  • goods movement reference number
  • vehicle registration number if your movement is accompanied
  • trailer number or container reference number if your movement is unaccompanied

Check if the goods are ready for movement

When you are presented with a goods movement reference, you will need to:

  • capture and validate the GMR
  • capture the vehicle registration number if the movement is accompanied
  • capture the trailer number or container reference number if the movement is unaccompanied

What happens next

If the goods movement reference number is not valid, you must tell the haulier that they cannot embark until they get the correct information.

After hauliers with valid goods movement reference numbers have embarked and the vessel has departed, you must tell HMRC by sending all the goods movement reference numbers to the Goods Vehicle Movement Service by logging into the carrier application programme interface.

You should work with HMRC to ensure hauliers know whether they need to get their goods checked by customs on arrival or if they are able to continue their journey.

From January until July 2021, if hauliers are moving goods from the EU to Great Britain, they only need a goods movement reference number if they are moving goods under transit.

Hauliers may also need to use a goods movement reference for Northern Ireland to Great Britain movements (for example a transit movement).

Published 23 December 2020

Brexit transition

Check you’re ready for 2021

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