
AIS is Revenue’s new electronic national import system which will be used to process import declarations from Monday, 2 November 2020 at 9:00am. It will replace:

It is important that you are familiar with:

  • how AIS will impact your business
  • and
  • the changes needed to your current import processes.

You will find information in the following pages about how AIS will impact the various roles in the import supply chain.


On Monday, 2 November 2020 at 9:00am, AIS will replace the Automated Entry Processing (AEP) system which is currently used for import declarations.

If you lodge customs import declarations using your own software, you should ensure:

  • your customs software is upgraded so you can lodge import declarations using AIS
  • and
  • your staff are familiar with the following:
    • content and structure changes of the new declaration
    • new message types
    • and
    • new formats for existing messages.

If you employ a customs agent to manage your customs import formalities, you should ensure your agent has upgraded their customs software.

The example below shows how importers should manage their customs formalities after AIS is launched on Monday, 2 November 2020 at 9:00am.


If you lodge export declarations, you must use the AEP system and continue to use the current AEP system software.

Express carriers

AIS will replace the Automated Entry Processing (AEP) and eManifest systems which you currently use for import declarations.

From Monday, 2 November 2020 at 9:00am you must use AIS to submit the following electronic customs import declarations:

  • Electronic Transport Document (ETD)
  • customs import or simplified import declarations for every consignment
  • Presentation Notification (PN)
  • Temporary Storage Declaration (TSD)
  • supplementary declaration where required.


If you lodge export declarations you must use the AEP system and continue to use the current AEP system software.

Air and sea carriers

AIS will replace the Automated Entry Processing (AEP) and eManifest systems which you currently use for import declarations.

From Monday, 2 November 2020 at 9:00am you, as an air or sea carrier will no longer have to submit an eManifest to Revenue. Instead, you should use AIS to submit the following electronic customs declarations:

  • Presentation Notification (PN)
  • and
  • Temporary Storage Declaration (TSD).

These declarations can be combined into one declaration. The data required will broadly be the same as what you currently submit under eManifest.

The example below shows how air and sea carriers should manage their customs formalities after AIS is launched on Monday, 2 November 2020 at 9:00am.

To assist businesses in their preparations for AIS the following presentations are available:

If you have any queries in relation to these presentations, please contact Revenue at ucc-cmu@revenue.ie.

Customs agents

From Monday, 2 November 2020 at 9:00am AIS will replace the Automated Entry Processing (AEP) which is currently used for import.

If you lodge customs import declarations using your own software, you should ensure:

  • your customs software is upgraded so you can lodge import declarations using AIS
  • and
  • your staff are familiar with the following:
    • content and structure changes of the new declaration
    • new message types
    • new formats for existing messages.

The examples below show how customs agents should manage their customs formalities after AIS is launched on Monday, 2 November 2020 at 9:00am.


If you lodge export declarations, you must use the AEP system and continue to use the current AEP system software.

See Automated Import System (AIS) – Information for customs agents to assist you further in your preparations for AIS.

If you have any queries in relation to this presentation, please contact Revenue at ucc-cmu@revenue.ie.

Temporary storage facility (TSF) operators

If you are an authorised TSF operator, declarations will be required for non-European Union goods entering and leaving your premises. From 9:00am on Monday 2 November 2020 the following declarations must be submitted electronically using AIS:

  • Presentation Notification (G3)
  • Temporary Storage Declaration (G4)
  • customs import declaration.

The G3 and G4 can be lodged as a combined declaration into AIS.

The examples below show how TSF operators should manage their customs formalities when AIS is launched on Monday, 2 November 2020 at 9:00am.

See AIS temporary storage facility (TSF) operators presentation to assist you further in your preparation for AIS.


Where goods are moving directly to an inland TSF under a simplified transit, a G3/G4 is required. This combined declaration should be lodged into AIS by the TSF operator or their customs agent upon arrival of the goods at the TSF.

All goods entering or leaving a temporary storage facility must adhere to the relevant customs formalities.

Important information about updating your software for AIS

From Monday, 2 November 2020 at 9:00am the format of customs import declarations will change. These changes include new electronic message formats and some new data fields.

Information for software providers

You will find information about the computer system changes for interacting with Revenue in the following:


You must make the necessary changes to systems well in advance of the launch of AIS on Monday, 2 November 2020 at 9:00am.

Further information

If you need further information, please email importpolicy@revenue.ie.

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