Guidance on importing and exporting live animals or animal products
Collection of guidance and forms for importing, exporting and moving live animals and animal products.
This collection of guidance covers importing, exporting and moving live animals and animal products.
You should read guidance on pet travel if you’re bringing or returning your pet to the UK.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): send applications by email
If possible, you should send any applications by email as staff may not be able to collect post during the coronavirus outbreak.
Please apply in advance to avoid delay – the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) is dealing with a high volume of applications.
Topical issues
Imports or moves to the UK from all countries
- Import composite products from the EU to Great Britain
- Import food and drink from the EU to Great Britain
- Importing live animals, animal products and high-risk food and feed not of animal origin from non-EU countries to Great Britain
- General licences and authorisations to import live animals or animal products
- Animal pathogens and products: import licence application
- Live animals (not pet dogs, cats, ferrets): import licence application
Exports or moves from the UK to all countries
- Get an export health certificate
- Export or move live animals
- Export or move livestock and poultry
- Export or move animal bones, protein and other by-products
- Export or move animal germplasm (semen, ova and embryos)
- Export or move animal feed or pet food
- Export or move food, drink and agricultural products
- Export or move composite food products
- Exporting or moving fish from the UK
Moving goods or animals between EU countries
Balai Directive: animals, semen and embryos for research, display and conservation
Endangered species
Non-native animals
Poultry Health Scheme
Animal pathogens
Artificial breeding controls
Welfare of animals in transport
Identifying livestock, including identifying for export
Last updated 16 June 2021 + show all updates
Importing and exporting plants and plant products
Guidance on how to import and export plants and plant products to and from the UK.
Importing plants and plant products
- Import plants and plant products from the EU to Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Place of destination: registration and service level agreements
- Import plants and plant products from non-EU countries to Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Using the PEACH system to import plants and fresh produce
- Moving prohibited plants, plant pests, pathogens and soil
- Issue plant passports to move regulated plant material in Great Britain
- Plant species by import category
- Plant passports and fireblight buffer zone status: application
Exporting plants and plant products
Marking, labelling and marketing standards for imports and exports
Marking, labelling and marketing standards you must follow to import and export plant seeds, food and manufactured goods.