Transport and Logistics

Last updated: 1 March 2019
Published: 27 February 2019
From: Department of the Taoiseach

Transporting goods through the UK
Road haulage

As an island, Ireland is very dependent on maritime and air transport connectivity for imports and exports. The UK ‘landbridge’ is also very important for the distribution of goods, as is the use of direct shipping routes to continental EU ports.

The landbridge describes the route to market connecting Irish importers and exporters to international markets via the UK road and ports network. It is particularly important for short shelf life products. With the UK leaving the EU, there are implications for the continued use of the UK as an efficient and reliable route to other markets.

Government’s priority is to continue to work with our EU partners to maintain air and road connectivity even in a no deal Brexit and to facilitate continued trade and economic development.

We want to minimise disruption to the UK landbridge while recognising that direct shipping routes to continental ports could provide potential alternative routes for traders who currently rely on the landbridge.


Airlines that may be affected by these areas are already acutely aware of this issue. Government has been engaging on these issues with the aviation sector, including through the National Civic Aviation Development Forum. The contingency measures currently being proposed by the EU, if agreed, will ensure that flights between the EU and UK will continue even in a no deal Brexit. These measures are dependent on the UK applying reciprocal measures. Further information will be provided as it becomes available.

Transporting goods through the UK

When the UK leaves the EU, businesses that move goods between Ireland and other EU countries by road through Britain will face new rules and processes under the customs transit procedure. This procedure will use the New Computerised Transit System to allow for electronic monitoring of the movement of goods and requires operators to provide a guarantee to underpin the lifetime of the movement.

For consignments of animals and animal products, a documentary check will also be required. This can be done via TRACES – the EU system for recording imports of animals and animal products into the EU. Please see Trading with the UK for further detail on TRACES and for more general information on exporting or importing goods including animals and animal products.

In order to continue to use the landbridge in the most efficient way post-Brexit, businesses are encouraged to:

Register as authorised consignors/consignees in order to avail of the Simplified Customs Transit Procedure. Further information on the transit procedure is available on the Revenue website.
Work through your bank or your customs agent/logistics logistics provider to have the necessary financial guarantee in place
If moving animals or animal products, work with the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine to register on the TRACES system.

Road haulage

A no deal Brexit could disrupt Irish hauliers’ access to and through the UK. We are working with our EU partners to find solutions for the road haulage sector. If the UK leaves the EU on 29 March with no deal, the EU will have in place a temporary measure so that EU hauliers can continue to access the UK and vice versa. This is dependent on the UK applying reciprocal measures. Further information will be provided as it becomes available.

Driver Licences
When your residency changes between EU Member States, you should exchange your original EU driving licence for one from the EU country that you now live in.

If you are resident in Ireland and hold a UK driving licence: If you hold a UK driving licence and are resident in Ireland, you should apply to exchange your UK licence for an Irish licence before 29 March. You should contact the National Drivers Licence Service. The NDLS has also published some useful FAQs on its website.

In a no deal scenario, after 29 March, if already resident in Ireland and holding a UK driving licence, you will need to apply for an Irish licence. Currently this involves completing a theory test, a course of driver training and passing a driving test. Please check current advice in the lead up to, and after, 29 March as this information may be updated.

Visiting Ireland on a UK licence: You will be able to drive on a driving licence from the UK for up to one year provided the driving licence is current and valid.

Driving in the UK on an Irish licence: The UK Government’s stated position is that, after 29 March, arrangements for EU licence holders who are visiting or living in the UK would not change. Visitors to the UK, with driving licences from EU Member States, will enjoy the same arrangements as today.

Certificates of Professional Competence

There are also potential issues around UK issued Certificates of Professional Competence (CPC) for Drivers and Transport Managers and their continued validity after 29 March and recognition of such in Ireland.

Driver CPC: For drivers resident in Ireland with a UK driver CPC, you should exchange this for an EU driver CPC before 29 March 2019 (may also apply to new exit date on 31 December 2020).
Transport Manager CPC: In the event of UK leaving the EU with no agreement, UK issued CPCs will no longer be valid in Ireland or the EU. However, where a licenced operator’s Transport Manager does not meet the requirements, the competent national authority may provide some time (up to six months) for the operator to rectify the situation.
Insurance cover
The vast majority of Irish motor insurance policies cover driving in the UK, as they refer to the UK specifically. A small number of policies may refer to travelling ‘in the EU’ rather than explicitly referring to the UK.

If you are in doubt, you should contact your insurance company to confirm that you have UK cover.

Proof of insurance

At present, all motor vehicles from any EU country (including the UK) may travel within the EU without carrying special documentation to prove that they have insurance in the country they are visiting. This will change when the UK leaves the EU.

The Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Ireland and the Association of British Insurers have advised those who plan on driving their Irish-registered motor vehicle in Northern Ireland or Great Britain after Brexit to get a Green Card from their insurance company.

A Green Card is an internationally recognised insurance document, which provides proof of valid level of motor insurance cover required by the country visited. Not having one, if stopped, could lead to difficulties in proving that you are insured to drive. Drivers travelling from Northern Ireland or Great Britain to Ireland will also be required to carry a Green Card.

Some insurance companies have begun issuing Green Cards to drivers who are currently renewing or signing up to new insurance policies. Most insurance companies plan to issue Green Cards in March 2019 in the event of a no deal Brexit.

If you intend to drive in Northern Ireland or Great Britain in late March, you should contact your insurance company to obtain a Green Card before you travel.


Seafarers Certificates, Industrial Products, Ship Recycling and Registered Organisations are matters that are dealt with at an EU level with our European partners. The EU has issued a number of notices in this area which have been communicated to stakeholders.

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